Today's image is titled Sunshine Waves. I made it about a week ago as a welcoming present to a new baby cousin. I was a little bit surprised at the effect; It was not quite what I was aiming for. However, I was also pleased because it is an effect I had been wanting to create for a few of my other images.
You may have noticed I have not been writing regularly for a few weeks. The fact is that I have had very little to say, especially about my last class. I am not the only one who viewed it as something of a nightmare. I did get a better grade than I thought I would, but I, for one, would not wish to repeat that most especial course with that most especial instructor.
I do have a better feeling about this course. In fact, it seems to be heavily based on the Critical Thinking course I took several months ago. I still have the hard-copy text of that if I need to look anything up.
In other news, my little pocket has been pretty well dancing with some very nasty storm systems. Destructive tornadoes have struck all around us, but have pretty well left us alone other than some wind and rain. There is still a tornado watch on the area, but I honestly don't think anything will come of it. In fact, I saw plenty of sunshine outside when I peeked out the window about an hour ago.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...