Friday, December 28, 2012

End of the old year, Begining of the new

Good evening, Gentle Readers!

It has been a while since I've posted here. Much has happened since the last time I did regularly, some happy and some not so.

My father has died after a short but vicious fight with brain cancer. I wanted to believe that maybe he could be cured- but the last time I saw him alive, I knew that wasn't going to happen. Mother and Aunt Shirley tell me his passing was peaceful. I imagine that now he is running and playing with Georgie, his favorite dog.

Shortly afterwards, Hurricane Sandy roared through. Oddly enough, my little corner of the world wasn't effected much, other than the usual thunder, lightning, wind, and rain. Points north of me were another story, though- especially after the storm melded with a blizzard. My friends on Facebook have said they've never seen anything like it. Most of the clean-up from that storm has been accomplished, though, for which I am grateful; One of the friends effected has a year-old baby girl. The baby thought it was some kind of great big game.

Now for the biggest piece of news: On January 13, I will have successfully completed my Bachelor's studies! It was a long wild ride, but I met some amazing people on the way. With my studies out of the way, I will be able to focus on getting a business up and running. Once that is accomplished, I will announce it here so you can go see for yourselves.

Until we meet...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin