Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kids and Computers

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Bright Yellow Ribbons- and you can see why. I haven't worked with yellow much: My preferences tend to be in the blue and red ranges. But yellow is a good color for brightening an otherwise grey day- which it is here, so far. The sun may start shining in later, but until then, there are images like the one above.

I do have a bit of good news to share. My husband is considering starting a computer consulting business, and one of his co-workers where he is now wants him to do some work. Apparently the co-worker's kid has managed to get the home machine- actually, both of them- infested with some very nasty viruses. Since my husband is the local geek, he gets to straighten it up. Wish us luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Wee Hours

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Kandilokai. I promise, there is a story behind it. But for once, I am not the one to tell it; That choice belongs to others.

Wow! Last night I was up until nearly 2:00 AM working on an assignment! Oddly enough, I didn't even feel tired until I finished and turned it in. Then WHAM! Down I went, as soon as I hit the bed! Once I fell asleep, I stayed there until about 7:30, then I went back to sleep for another hour after I glanced at the clock. I suspect that once I hit the sack tonight, I'm going to sleep very soundly indeed- quite a change for someone who usually wrestles the blankets!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, February 26, 2010


Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Dancing Again. Like many of my other works, this didn't come out quite as planned. I intended it for a friend who has had some extensive difficulties of late through no fault of her own: She sure could use a personal cheering squad right about now! If you want to know more, take a look here:

Last night as I was attending to some school work, I stumbled across a familiar assignment. This assignment, though, was familiar because a few weeks ago I had helped with a similar one for another college student! Talk about coincidence!

Or maybe not: My friend says everything happens for a reason, and I believe it- even if the reason isn't always what I want. But then, life would get pretty boring in a hurry if I got everything I wanted when I want it. That's something a lot of kids lately can't seem to grasp. I can feel sorry for them now.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Dragon!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is one I made a long time ago in basic paint. It doesn't have a bunch of the nuances that my newer images do, but it still does what I wish it for. So join me in wishing a happy birthday to a lady known affectionately to her friends as Dragon!

I did a little bit more research on a question I had last night- and now I think I can argue a bit more convincingly. That is well, since the argument does need to be presented tonight! Boy do I have my work cut out for me!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to argue for a faulty position?

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Purple Power. It was inspired in part by a picture a friend of mine found yesterday of a helicopter shaped like a triceratops, of all things! Another friend said that if she had that, she would paint it with purple flames. As you can see, she is inordinately fond of purple. So I created this with that possible usage in mind.

Yesterday at school was- Interesting, at least. I'm now on a debate team- Not my idea!- Which has to argue that JetBlue's problems are due to faulty technology. Well, I tried to put a technical spin on the problem. But the first thing I did was do a bit of research on the company, and what I read strongly indicates a managerial problem as well as a general lack of preparedness. No amount of technology is proof against human error! So, I guess I have to see what I can do anyway. Yuck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Ribbons. I was a little surprised at the effect of stained glass or even dyed water- But before I finished it, I finally did see something that I was looking for. Now that I know how to create a certain effect, I'll be able to do it again.

I spent a lot of time reading yesterday. Unfortunately I couldn't concentrate as well as I would like because my husband was pacing- again. And that does make me very twitchy. So I'm going to try again today. Hopefully I'll be able to get my school work done before he gets home!

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Lightlines. I wasn't quite sure what would happen after I drew the original image, then applied the deformation. But I have to admit that I was quite pleased.

Today will be quite busy, with the normal Monday activities and then the studies- which something is nudging me about quite heavily. But before I get into it, I found a little something that will help me relax:


Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where Did the Time Go?

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Green Vision. I forgot to add the overlay filter while I was making this, so it doesn't really look quite like what I had planned. What's new about that, after all? But I do now have an idea of how it will look when I do this right.

Sunday- and I just have next week's work to look forward to. It's amazing how quickly time can fly, however long it looks at the beginning! I'm already in the fifth week of my fourth block of classes. Each block lasts about nine weeks, or ten if time is added for holidays. After I get done with my school studies, I hope I can do something with it quickly.

I took another look at the College Prowler item. It doesn't really demand anything unreasonable- but I have to ask, how am I supposed to conduct surveys of my online schoolmates? I suppose I'll just have to think of something, as always. Now that I think of it, it will be good practice for some of my future assignments.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Writing Columns?

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rotation. I still am not able to get the green to show up as I wish it to: The color bug that I thought I had beaten keeps showing up. But the effect is enjoyable enough, so I decided to keep this for us.

A couple of days ago, I received an interesting e-mail from College Prowler. It seems that this company wants me to write about college life. I may go ahead and take them up on this, since I write about college stuff here all the time. Of course, online college isn't quite like attending a brick-and-mortar campus. Nor is it for anyone who doesn't have the self-discipline to do the work without someone watching over his or her shoulder. But it is very convenient for anyone who has an otherwise busy life or who is house-bound for whatever reason.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

School Surprise

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Light Egg. That is more a placeholder name than anything else, though. I wasn't really sure what to call that transparent egg-shaped cage around the starburst. But I did like the effect.

Yesterday at the college was something of a surprise. When I looked at the grades for a few of the assignments I turned in, I was very surprised to see that they had high marks, even though I wasn't completely satisfied with them myself. One person, at least, would tell me that it's a family thing, for us to be more demanding of ourselves than most are of us. Whatever it was, it had me squealing joyfully!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Civil Rights?

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Dancer. It's not really what I was looking for: The lighter lines were supposed to be bright green. But one of the filters I used changed it to what you see. The darker lines were a bright pink to begin with, but the same filter changed that to the variegated pink-to-purple. I decided to save this image, and create a new one to see if I could get closer to what I want later.

Yesterday's classwork started out interesting, concerning the civil rights movement. It has galled me just a bit that the problems of the African Americans have gotten so much attention, while those of the Native Americans were barely a footnote. Such it is, though. If this is to be changed, then it may be that I'm the one that has to tackle this challenge too. Right now, I'm hearing a lot about my distant forebears that is fascinating- Including about a Cherokee medicine man. The things that make one go Hmm...

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Fractured. When I made it this morning, I found that something was very much off about the sizing of the canvases. I'll have to go back later and see what I can find. In the meanwhile, though, I thought that the hot pink and bright green would be nice and cheerful. I think the next time, though, I'll make the pink bands a little broader. Hmm- Now that gives me an idea!

Last night, I talked with a friend of mine about an assignment I had to do- namely, I'm supposed to interview a community leader about his or her opinion of race issues. Problem 1) I don't really know any community leaders, though I most certainly did watch interactions at the mall the last time I was up there. Problem 2) Most of the people I can think of that might call themselves community leaders I don't trust. Problem 3) Transportation! Enough said, for anyone that knows me. My friend suggested that I get a recording device of some sort and take that. Now, I am thinking that I might interview one of the managers up at the mall. There are a couple of little stores there that I'm fond of, and perhaps the manager would be close enough for class purposes.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Shoes and Things...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

I meant to create an image especially for Valentine's Day, but I more or less ran out of time. So I am showing this one that I titled New Spin. It has been featured here before, but the colors are appropriate for the season, so it is back.

Yesterday, my husband and I went out shopping for new shoes. That's not really romantic, I know. But it was something we could do together, and take our time about. He needed some new work shoes because something was breaking down badly in the old ones, and I had succeeded in wearing out my old slippers. That is no surprise, considering how cold it has been this winter.

Speaking of cold- well, yes, it still IS cold. But oddly enough, it feels a bit warmer than it has been. I don't think the snow will melt all the way off today, but there should be a great deal less of it than there has been.

I have a lot to do today, Gentle Readers. Wish me luck!

Until we meet...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Blast From The Way-Past...

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Spring Forest's Ghost. This is an image I attempted to make using transparency rather than overlay. I didn't quite get what I wanted at the time, but considering the snow many of us have had recently I thought it appropriate.

I spent much of last night doing research involving relations with American Indians in the past. I confess, what I found really made then-president Andrew Jackson really look like a piece of dirt. And for once, President Nixon got to be something of a hero, whatever mistakes he made later. The Cherokee went to court to enforce a treaty that was supposed to preserve their lands in the east, and they won. But Jackson wanted the land and sent the army to forcibly remove people who, after all, had sought peace. And Nixon was the one who decided to let the Indians start taking over administering Indian Affairs, instead of leaving it to appointees.

Talk about a curious reversal of roles!

Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hot and Cold

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Viewpoint. It's one of my newer ventures with overlay layers as opposed to transparency-altered ones. I debated whether or not to add that hint of a glow where the two lines crossed, but decided to do it and see if I liked it. As you can see, I did!

We have yet MORE snow falling this morning. Fortunately, it only seems to be a light dusting instead of a full-fledged storm: I haven't noticed anyone with a snowplow clearing the roads down by where I live this time. The only road clearing I've seen was done by Mother Nature herself.

I do have a question for my readers: How does one audit a man who has been dead three years? Apparently Missouri's Department of Collections thinks they can, even though they had to have seen the death certificates. Right now, his widow is madder than a barrel full of wet wildcats, and I don't blame her! It seems to me that officialdom has found yet another way to waste taxpayer time and money. In this case, though, it might be worth my while to set up a ticket and condiment stand to watch the fight!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Things to do...

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Turning In The Wind. I was experimenting with layers in an overlay mode when I created this, and have found it to be far more effective in combining certain colors and forms than tweaking the transparency, which I had attempted before.

I've got too much information yet to read before I can finish my essay! Galahad was more demanding of attention than usual yesterday. But in truth, it was partly my fault for not making him lay on the bed while I take care of my reading. Perhaps I should borrow a hint from one of my fellow college students and take my book to a comfy couch! It's seldom that I do anything but read there.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Start

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Lavender Drop. I was experimenting a little bit with light when I made this. I really wanted to add a bit of shine to the lavender part as well, but my tools weren't cooperating. I guess I'll just have to see if I can find out what went wrong!

My APA formatting class started yesterday. I consider myself fortunate that I have a hard-copy of the manual, and that I had downloaded the documents I needed beforehand. Oddly enough, this workshop doesn't seem to be starting out as tough as the ones I took in the past. Perhaps previous experience with some of the material is paying off after all, in spite of my lack of confidence. I hope so.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow and School

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Green Flame. Ever since I made the image I titled Tear In The Sun, I've been trying to figure out how I did it. I think I finally have, though this isn't exactly it. I think one last test will nail it, though. If you're curious about the Tear In The Sun image, check in the early days of my blog.

Guess what: We have yet More Snow falling! My poor husband is going to be pulling out his hair for certain. I confess, I laughed when I looked out the window and saw snowflakes. Fortunately most of the old snow and ice had melted off. That will limit the problems that tend to happen with a layer of snow hiding ice patches.

Speaking of pulling hair out, I'm doing the same over a homework assignment. I'm supposed to write an essay about an ethnic group I'm a part of or want to learn more about- A long one. I think I would do well to crack open a few books I bought some time ago and do some serious reading before I set keyboard to document, so to speak. I also need to go back to the census site for more information- though most of what I want is pretty solidly buried. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to dig.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Third Week

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Buttercup Light. I really wanted to add rose in there somewhere, but there are only so many variations of that available. Anyway, I think I finally have an idea of how to make the colors merge just a bit; This is considerably closer to that effect than anything I had tried before. Further investigation is warranted.

The third week of this block of courses has started. I'm a little surprised at how quickly the time has passed! The first couple of weeks were a bit hard on one of my instructors, since winter storms have played havoc with his connection. But things seem stable for him now. I'm very sure he's glad of that!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Busy, Busy!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Glowing. I really wanted to find a way to segue the center into the surrounding red-orange, but this isn't it. One day I'll figure it out!

Today is promising to be busy with a capital busy; Besides being Monday, which I usually set aside for my 'big cleaning', I'm expecting a phone call which can hopefully set me up in a business that will get my husband free and clear of his present employer. I won't say more about the details just yet- But I did check out the company and the founder thereof, and they do seem to be genuine instead of just another scam.

I'm off, Gentle Readers. Wish me luck!

Until we meet...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Snow's Aftermath

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rectangles. I confess, it was just a bit of a surprise when I applied a solarize filter. As always, I had no idea what would happen with it. I think I will keep this image for future experimentation.

The snow has stopped, and the parts that are in the sunshine are melting just a bit. I doubt seriously we will get a full melt-off today, though: It's chilly outside! In fact, when I tried to open the door to sweep off the porch, I found it had frozen shut just a bit. Fortunately. I was able to break the ice without too much effort, unlike what I had heard from a friend earlier this winter- who had to pound her door HARD three times to make it open after she had walked her dog! That incident also makes me glad that I have cats!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentine's Day

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

This is not one of my images: A friend sent me an e-mail some time back with a bunch of cat pictures in it. Since Valentine's Day is coming up, I thought this one seemed appropriate. Isn't love adorable?

I was a little bit curious about the origin of Valentine's Day, so I looked up the Wikipedia article. Wikipedia isn't always the most reliable source due to its very nature, but it's good in a pinch, and can point one in the direction of sources.

I found that the modern version of Valentine's Day didn't appear until medieval times, with the giving of cards and candy. However, I did see several versions of tales of Saint Valentine, all of which ended with him being martyred in Rome. One of these stories talked of Saint Valentine performing secret weddings for young men against the orders of then-emperor Claudius II, and being killed for that. But the night before he died, he wrote the first 'valentine' himself, depending on the source to the blind daughter of the jailer that he had healed, or to some other young girl.

It was a common practice of the Christian church to try to overwrite non-Christian holidays with holidays of their own making, so Valentine's Day was celebrated in mid-February- which is the day dedicated to Olympus' first couple, Zeus and Hera. Needless to say, the holiday took on the traits of the holiday it was supposed to replace.

Valentine's Day has a long and varied history in which verses and cards were created for those who don't have a talent for words, which was eventually associated with romance, and which was even associated with even more gifts of candy. As with many holidays, it has evolved a long was from when it was first instituted.

May your Valentine's Day be a happy one.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, February 5, 2010

College Thoughts

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Egg. I must say I am a great deal more pleased with this one than I am with most of my past images where I tried for a framed kind of effect. Besides, I think I've finally figured out the retouch tool, at least enough that I can use it without mussing up the rest of the picture.

I've one more paper to actually do this week for school. It's time to break out the yellow pad again, I think: I have to talk about as a business, and I don't naturally think like that. The experience, at least, will be good for me: If I want to run a business or two, I'll have to think of businesses as that, not just as enjoyable hobbies.

After I get done with this week of work for the college, I need to make a good head start on next week: I've found the workshops can be as demanding as full courses for the time they are running, and this especial workshop is going to be a real bear. APA formatting, yuck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winter Ponderings

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Pinwheel. Like most others, it didn't quite come out as planned- But I thought it would be nice to enjoy in the interlude between one winter storm and the next.

Yes, I did say the next: According to the forecast, we're supposed to have a wintry mix dumped on us tonight or tomorrow, and this first snow hasn't finished melting off yet. Fortunately, it has melted down enough that the driveway isn't too dangerous. The good thing about this winter is that it is a winter that will kill off most of the insect pests. I hope by next winter to be settled elsewhere, though!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Burn Baby Burn!

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rosy- and I think you can see why. When I was saving it, I forgot to check and see what format it was saving in. Fortunately, that is a simple thing to correct, once you have some familiarity with the program.

Talk about excitement! A couple of days ago, a friend of mine had a toaster blow up and catch fire, so she had to grab the thing and throw it out in the driveway! She's not happy about not getting her cinnamon toast either.

However, one good thing has come from this event: I was inspired to go look for a particular song that I've enjoyed before, but haven't heard in ages!


Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Warming Up

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Seeing Inside. I believe I made this when I first started experimenting with reversing the background and foreground colors- Though in this case, it might have been easier to just rotate the image itself before I applied the deformations. I also put in just a little bit of smoke too: That almost always looks better in the end product than at the start, where it looks like a bunch of scribbles.

When I carried the garbage can down to the road this morning, I was surprised by how almost warm it felt. It could be that I am adapting somewhat to the more or less constant chill that we have had during the past week, but I'm not going to argue with it! This is one bod that simply does NOT like to be cold! It will still take some time to melt the snow off, but I've a feeling we will see considerably more of just that than we would have yesterday.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers....

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Toys and Snow Stuff

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Sky and Rose. I was thinking to try a slightly darker background than I did end up using, but I noticed the shade wasn't quite as I wanted. I'll probably try again later; Right now, this is pleasant enough.

Yesterday, my marvelous husband installed a pair of new graphics programs on my machine. I'm going to have to study one of them a lot: It has a large number of new tools I'm not used to, and I can't seem to access the color palette. But it is very promising! I did read part of the manual, and saw a number of descriptions of things I could do with it. I've not looked at the other program yet, but I'll try to later on today.

The snow has stopped and the sun is shining. I don't think much will melt today, but perhaps there will be enough for the roads to clear at least. The snow doesn't bother me personally, since I have the option of staying in. Alas, some companies have shown they are incapable of showing consideration for the lives of their employees.

Until we met, Gentle Readers...