Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!

Well, it's official: I am now back in college, and my orientation is tomorrow morning. I know a lot of kids would look at me like I'm crazy to be exited over school but right now I'm having a hard time keeping my feet on the ground. Forget games: While they're nice, ultimately they just fill up space for me.

I've obtained a couple of study books already thanks to my wonderful husband, and I've dug out paper and pencils and assorted other things I've had practically forever. This is one of those times when being a pack rat pays off!

I'll probably be a little scarce for a while, but rest easy that I look forward to reporting my eventual graduation.

The clock is ticking, Gentle Readers.

Until we meet...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Waterspout in a Ball. As you can well imagine, it's the result of yet another experiment. I may tweak it later, but until then I present it for your perusal.

I've so much to do! I've studies to begin, chores to finish, a garden that I really ought to have a look at, and other things. But they aren't going to finish themselves, whatever the commonly-preached dogma says.

Personally, I am hoping to find a baby squash outside. And I should see about harvesting a few herbs: I have chives, sage, oregano, and lemon balm growing well. They all smell so wonderful! People who insist on buying their herbs at a store are missing a treat.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is one of several I did as an experiment with starburst light. I technically can't call this an accident, since I really didn't know what would happen- but it wasn't quite planned either.

Yesterday's post was an eulogy to several departed stars- and you won't find me commenting on those very often. So it's time to talk of something else.

It was a bear- But yesterday my husband and I finally set up our air conditioner for the season. And wow, what a difference it has made! I'm actually fairly comfortable! I've proven to myself that I can actually endure without that convenience, but why should I when I don't have to? My husband slept a long time afterwards. He certainly needed it!

The Fourth of July holiday is coming, and I won't be posting during that weekend: I'll be out of town and without internet access. But when I get back, I hopefully will have new things to talk about.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Stars in the Sky

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

This certainly has not been a week to be a performer, with three of them passing away within bare days and indeed sometimes even hours of eachother.

Ed McMahon: A millionaire who was known for his appearances on the Tonight show and for the Publisher's Clearing House give-aways. Somehow it won't be the same without him.

Farrah Faucet: Best known for her role in Charlie's Angels. Just days before, there were articles about her taking Chemotherapy for cancer and starting to lose her hair. I think I will always wonder what she could have done if she had had more time.

Michael Jackson, perhaps the most tragic of the three. I honestly don't think he had ever had a truly happy day in his life, but he did make some wonderful music. Be at peace now.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image was a bit of fun that I made for a friend who was feeling down. I titled it Ghost Cookie, since that is what it is after all.

You may remember that a few days ago I spoke of a friend who was having to move. This poor lady seems to be having the Move From Hell: Several people she had counted on to help her were anything but helpful, the hot water heater at her old place blew (after she had warned the landlord MONTHS before that there was a problem), and on top of that she is still having to work. She needs all the good thoughts and wishes she can get.

The good news is that the new place is much better than the old: It's cooler, the cat approves (very important, as anyone who have a feline companion knows), and it's near a park where she can go play with her granddaughter.

In any case, she can still use some cheering. So join me in rooting for her!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Lightning. I'm not seeing any storms right now, but I have a friend way over in Missouri who is having to keep an eye on a rather nasty cell. Hopefully it will be calmed down somewhat when it reaches us. The storm does have one good side effect: It is producing some much-needed cooling breezes.

I just went out this morning to take some more coffee grounds to my plants and saw that my squash actually has an open blossom! I don't know that I'll get to enjoy any of it, but it was a little spot of sunshine.

For those who don't have that, I present a video of a performance by Eddie Rabbit titled "I Love a Rainy Night":


Enjoy, Gentle Readers!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Ramblings

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

And goodness! I was just checking in this morning, and was surprised to find that I've actually been presenting my ramblings for nearly two months! It's not exactly an anniversary, but I think it is worthy of a small celebration. So here is a chocolate cake I made for one of my on-line buddies rather early in my art career.

So far, I've chattered about heat survival tips, my cats, the trials and tribulations a number of my friends have undergone- and still are undergoing, and various small bits of philosophy.

Today seems to be a day for yet more philosophy. So with a bit of borrowed inspiration from a fellow blogger (Thanks, David!), I will attempt to present something worthy of your attention.

It's so incredibly easy to get caught up either in the bad news from the middle east (another day, another suicide bomber), or the tinsel-town trash (National Enquirer, anyone?). But the fact is, I have absolutely no interest in hearing about who's married to who while sleeping with someone else. And I absolutely resent it when some tom fool- or group thereof- tries to shovel it down my throat. Sure, I don't mind hearing about some famous performer using his fame to do good things. I love hearing that part! But one doesn't have to be famous in order to set wrongs right in the world.

Sometimes all it takes is a kind word or deed. And if the person you attempt to aid seems not to want it- well, you tried even if someone else didn't. And while it will hurt for a while, at least it won't be on your conscience. That is when you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and be on your way.

Wouldn't we all be much happier if we could present good news instead of all the bad stuff that seems to be the usual fare? I personally think so. I propose an experiment: That all of us who read this actually go out and create good news to report. We might see fewer instances of crime and depression afterwards. And if nothing else, it will be better for us.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Egg in Light. As you probably guessed by now, it is yet another experiment. I certainly didn't expect to get the neon effect!

There is supposed to be a small chance of storms today- Like we actually need that! I don't think we're going to get it, though. As much as I enjoy the light show when we have storms, I could pass on the torrential rain.

Have you ever had days when you felt like you could do anything, like anything was possible? It is a rather heady sensation. And it's one I've been getting a lot lately. I really do think that things are looking up in spite of greedy politicians and employers: I've finally managed to find a focus for the energy.

Now to use it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Monday

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

This isn't quite what I was after: Apparently I keep tripping on a bug with the flood-fill in paint shop pro. But I was able to get around the worst of it by switching to Paint for the finish.

It's another Monday, and for now things aren't too hot. I'm not betting on that lasting for too long, though. I probably ought to go check on my fig tree and blueberry bushes later on today.

I had a nice visit with my parents yesterday. My father actually is starting to look good! For a while stress was making him uncomfortable at the least. But now that he has a job that he can actually enjoy and that is actually as secure as anything can be these days, he is beginning to relax. I hope the trend continues.

They were pleased to hear that I've applied to continue my education. So now I had better go on through with it! Wish me luck, all!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kicking Off Summer

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

And Happy Solstice/Official First Day of Summer/Sunday!

Today's image was by Ron Venable, and he titled this piece of fractal art Solstice Dance. So now I bring it to you to enjoy!

Those of you who have been following know that I've been experiencing summer for a few weeks now, interspersed with a few cool days. After checking this morning's satellite, I'm convinced that the cool days are going to stay away for a while.

I also present a little song by the group ABBA: Summer Night City!


This group hasn't played in a while that I know of, but they were good!

I'm looking forward to cook-outs and stuff from my garden, nights of star-gazing and a bright future just over the horizon.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is yet another piece of Accidental Art. As usual, I was trying for another effect- and got a pleasant surprise instead. This one I titled Unearthly Ship, since it looked like a green crescent moon with a kind of strange sail attached.

When I announced to my on-line friends and family last night that the last barrier between me and my education was down, I pretty much had to duck the bouncing people! They were so incredibly excited about it! Just wait until I get my degree and start going places!

I would like so very much to build my dream home and move myself and my husband, and perhaps a few of those friends into it. We've all been down on our luck, some more than others. It would be great that we could share our little slice of paradise now.

Until we meet again, Gentle Readers.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!

Today I present yet another of my star-in-the-dark images. This one was an experiment with a starburst, a couple of rectangles for a frame, and a couple of flood-fills. It does show a couple of interesting possibilities for future projects.

Finally that last little hitch between me and my college aid has been taken care of! And it's about time. Huge kudos for the lady in the Social Security office that helped us with it! I'm sorry I didn't get her name, but she knows who she is.

Afterwards, my husband and I stopped at La Tolteca- a local Mexican restaurant that serves real Mexican food instead of Americanized Mexican fast food. The salsa was incredibly spicy- but I can guarantee that if you had a cold when you started eating it, you wouldn't for long! And the servings were huge. I ended up bringing home about half of mine. My husband tried to eat all of his- but he simply can't handle it. Needless to say, a nap was very much in order.

It was a nice way to begin a Friday.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers! At least, for a few more minutes!

That snag I had thought was cleared for my tuition aid is still there- But with luck, it won't be much longer!

Today's image is titled Starburst. It really isn't tied to anything- Except my love for lights in the darkness.

May there always be lights in your night, when you need them.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stars and Butterflies

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Somewhere In The Night. Some amazing images from the Hubble Space craft serve as a model for this, and while the picture doesn't match those photographs by any stretch of the imagination, it does serve as a reminder that there are, after all, still beautiful things to see.

Talk about butterflies in the stomach! I think I finally managed to clear the way to get that financial aid I need to start taking those college courses I've been talking about. I still am not quite sure how to make everything come together- But I'm not going to actually worry about it. For one thing, I actually won't have to deal with some of this legalese in the future. That suits me just fine, since it makes my brain hurt!

Just remember that even when your life seems to be in an uproar, most of what you see is actually the flutterings of butterflies. And over all the stars still shine where they have for millions of years.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

This morning's image is titled Circles in the Sky. It wasn't as easy to assemble as it looks, by the way!

I just received news of a death in the family. It was no one that I personally knew, but he will be missed by those who did.

With that in mind, I will present a piece of Tao wisdom that seems to fit, that I received myself courtesy of another cousin:

Knowing others is intelligence;
Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
Mastering yourself is true power.

If you realize that you have enough,
You are truly rich.
If you stay in the center
And embrace death with your whole heart,
You will endure forever.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers! Or perhaps I should say afternoon, since technically it is.

And here's looking at you! I titled this little piece Boo- and as you probably can tell, I made it with the basic paint program. I may try a variation of it with Paint Shop Pro some time, but meanwhile this little guy brightens my folders.

And today is yet another day of sticky heat where I am. Fortunately it's not as bad as it has been at times, but it's uncomfortable enough. And as many of you know, sticky heat can really play havoc with one's appetite.

Fortunately, there are recipes out there that can be enjoyed without making one feel heavy or uncomfortable. Here is one that I have enjoyed at times. Keep in mind that few if any of the measurements are really precise.

Pistachio pudding (May be obtained at most grocery stores)
Whipped cream- Whipping cream may be used as well.
Pineapple chunks- preferably in juice rather than heavy syrup
chopped walnuts or pecans

Blend together the pudding and cream. Add the pineapple chunks and blend a little more. Stir in the coconut and walnuts, and chill until set.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Violet Mountain Tree. I originally made it for a friend who is very fond of the color purple, and hopes to have a lot of it in her new home when she gets it. Perhaps she will find a way to have the picture blown up into a piece of wall art.

For me, it really is apropos of very little. But there is something about the shimmers that calls to mind a hot summer night- which is what we've had a lot of lately. And believe me, it is very hard to sleep when it is too hot!

As something to remind us that not everything is about scorching heat, I present Time For A Cool Change by Little River Band: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xslO6Qi_kGQ


Until we meet again...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Is Writing Becoming a Lost Art?

Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!

I considered leaving off the Image Of The Day to help make my point, but at the last instant I thought of this one which I titled Ocean Of Fire.

What would the world be like if no one wrote, or read any more? After some of the things I have read- or attempted to read- in assorted forums, I fear we are going to find out.

We now have adults out there who simply cannot read. They've never picked up Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn to enter a world of life far different from their own, adults who can't spell when they wish to ask a question. It's not necessarily that these people can't learn: It's simply that they were never really taught. They were in school when the battle cry was to protect the child's self-esteem. Unfortunately, that meant that a lot of them were passed on to the next grade without the knowledge that would help them deal with the Real World, though they can text message at the speed of light and have reflexes that would make fighter pilots of old envious.

If this trend is not reversed now, not just the country but perhaps the world will be at the mercy of tyrants and terrorists. As it is, much history stands to be lost because people simply will not understand what is really at their fingertips.

Until we meet again, Gentle Readers.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Rest is Unfinished...

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

As you've noticed by now, I do engage in a bit of fantasy artistry now and then. This especial piece is titled Moons and Tree, and it features a setting where the sky has not one but three moons. I started it for a contest that one of my RPGs was holding, but never could quite finish it to my satisfaction. Since there were a number of more skilled artists already in the contest, I bowed out- Though some time I may go ahead and share it with the Gamemasters.

This calls to mind a number of other projects I really ought to complete: At least 3 stories, 1 college degree, and 1 business venture involving another blog come to mind.

The degree will be done: There is no question about that. As for the tales, I do apologize for the waiting on those!

So, Gentle Readers, if I seem to be slacking by all means nag me!

Until the next time...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

After the somber thoughts of yesterday, I thought we could all use a little cheering. So today's image is just a simple brownie sundae for those of us who enjoy such decadence! I actually drew it last night for someone who was already under a lot of stress from a week or so of constant storms. She couldn't even find her favorite brownies at the store she usually uses for them, so it was up to me- even if it was only virtual! The good thing about virtual foods is that there are no calories.

Speaking of my friend, she asked me a couple of nights ago how I could remain calm in the face of the difficulties I had run into with my college aid application. The fact is, I am not a naturally calm person. While I'm not really hyper (though some of my role-play characters are), I can get down-right excitable. The truth is, I have watched my parents for quite some time- who better to watch, after all? And I noticed that the one who tended to spazz out when things didn't go right tended to not get results. The conclusion was simple: It really is better to step back from a problem and look at the different components thereof. And react accordingly, rather than waste time and energy, and meanwhile invent more imaginary difficulties.

It won't be easy- But I hope I can continue to remember what I finally learned.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Things to think about...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

I was idly wondering what I should write about today when a friend of mine sent a series of pictures taken of the Saint Jusita fire in May.

The reports of the flames towering hundreds of feet into the air were not exaggerated. Nor were those of the devastation in spite of super-human efforts on the part of the fire fighters. The surprise isn't that the losses were so tremendous: It is that anything survived at all. Thus the inspiration for today's image, Peering Through Smoke.

Most of the people that live in this area have lost everything except what they had when they fled. They will be dealing with letting go of things and rebuilding.

My best thoughts are with them.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

And well, Boo! I just ran into a hitch with my college plans. It's not insurmountable, by any means. But it does mean I have to delay my start just a bit. It will be well worth it, though.

Today's image is titled Fire And Ice. I may change that, since there is a star where the two meet. I would say that despite the fantasy-ish feel to both the picture and the title thereof, it is actually appropriate since there are two different forces in opposition. And who will win, after all?

I do have some good news to report today. You may remember that I spoke of a lady who was in danger of losing her home because of a former roomie. Well, she has found a new place to live. And according to what she said, it is positively delightful! The poor lady will be mighty tired by the time the moving is all done: She has to sort and pack around her work hours. But it will be worth it for her to have a home she can actually call her own.

Please join me in wishing her the best.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

This morning I have a heart-warming little tale for you. While it doesn't go with the image of the day, I really couldn't find anything more appropriate.

I have a cousin- A very distant cousin- Who lives in New Zealand. Now, this young man has had a lot of problems in his life: Cancer, seizures, and a number of other things have happened to him that shouldn't happen to anyone. Because of these things, communication is very hard for him.

But he has a lot of love in his heart. He also sings, plays the cello, works as a blacksmith when he is well enough, and cares for a number of animals who otherwise would have no one. Just yesterday, he brought home a pair of young ferrets- One of which he named after me, and the other he named after my friend who is presently in college. He sent us a picture of them curled up asleep together that is just as adorable as it can be.

I confess, I was very surprised when I learned what he named them. A few times I wasn't sure he actually understood some of the things I tried to say to him. I still am not sure, but I do know now that he actually was trying to hear- and that he was trying with his heart, not just his head.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Morning

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

In honor of the day of the week, I present "I'm Easy (like a Sunday morning)" by Lionel Richie! This isn't the best version of the song, but the music is very easy to listen to.


Today's image- Green Light- shows what one might see if looking at things through a different kind of lens. Like most of my other pieces, it isn't exactly planned. But it is something that might be enjoyable.

Last night, I talked with my friend who adopted the little dog for a long while. Our conversation ranged from the problems of health care for the elderly to the antics of the dog himself. There isn't much we can do about the former without yanking out the dishonest caregivers and hiring the ones that actually care at a wage that will enable them to live. But I, at least, was very happy to hear about the dog!

You see, apparently his previous family had neglected him, other than to yell at him whenever he did anything that was dog-like. And apparently the males of the family were worse about it: The little dog even now has issues with strange men. But he slowly but surely is getting over them, and has discovered that he actually is a little dog instead of a little automaton! I can't wait to hear about his latest shenanigans.

Those are fine things to think about on Sunday, before going back to work.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

We seem to finally have a break from the storms, though I'm not betting on it lasting for very long.

Today's image is yet another one that was started in Paint, and finished with Paint Shop Pro. I titled it Into The Sun, since it's supposed to be depicting a sunrise. I'm not really happy with how some of it came out, but I can tweak it later.

I'm expecting a visit from my family later today. It has been a while since we've actually gone to see them, and while my husband and I aren't exactly sure when we will. We do intend to do so some time- and perhaps even bring them a few goodies while at it.

I don't have any deep thoughts to share at the moment- But enjoy the image, and by all means think of where your road will go!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cats are smart!

Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!

This is another day for extra posts, it seems. It may not be actually important in the grand view of world affairs, but you might still find it amusing.

Earlier, I mentioned that there were cats in the household: A female named Egraine, and her brother Galahad. Now, both of these cats are amazingly healthy- may they continue to be so for a long time! But they, especially Egraine, do have a weight problem. So at the order of the vet, they've been put on a diet.

They have figured out that when they stop eating, the food bowls are taken up. Well, Galahad saw my husband going to do just that, let out a loud 'murr', and ran to start eating again! Needless to say, the bowls didn't come up quite then. But we have enjoyed a few giggles at the deductive reasoning of the Cat.

Here Comes The Sun

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

As you've noticed by now, I try to remain upbeat about things- Even the constant rains and storms we've had the past few days.

But even I can take so much dreary grey weather, so today I created my own little bit of sunshine to share. I titled it Here Comes the Sun. Somehow the thought of walking down a road with flowers in the grass and a few boulders to sit on is appealing.

A few times, my husband and I have gone walking, He would have his camera so he could take photos of things we find. We haven't gone walking in a while though. That should change: It would be good for both of us.

Perhaps twenty minutes away is a marvelous little store that sells gourmet chocolates and other goodies you won't find in your local market. The ladies there helped me select a gift for a friend who was in serious need of a pick-me-up: A box of assorted chocolate truffles. And on the way there is another shop that opened just a little bit afterwards, one that sells frozen yogurt. I've not been there yet, but it is on my list of places to explore.

It's actually surprising what you can find if you actually get out to look around, instead of driving or relying on a television set.

May you never run out of surprises!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

I normally don't post so soon in the day, but since I was here why not?

Today's image is titled Dawnstar, and is the result of yet another experiment. It's amazing what one can do with simply shaping the light.

It has been hot for some days now, but the storms that rolled in last night- and rolled and rolled some more!- have cooled things off considerably. And yet on the main road perhaps a hundred yards away my husband reported that it was dry when he came home- and that it was a strange experience driving through the multiple strikes of lightning.

I'm very sure my plants appreciate the gentler rain that is falling now.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Tear in the Sun. And today's entry is dedicated to a lady who has had more than her share of bad luck, but has found a way to remain positive anyway.

My friend- Forgive me for not posting her name without her permission, Gentle Readers- is an amazingly talented, generous soul. Like many of us, though, she has had to deal with financial hardships. And she has had to deal with a person who had the gall to try to take unfair advantage of that generosity, to the point of of endangering her and placing her at risk of losing her home. Finally, my friend has found a new place to live where she possibly can be happy.

Those who know her wish her the best of luck, where she can shine unimpeded again.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Opening to Possibilities

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is another experiment that I titled Opening. I don't mean to brag as such, since I wasn't sure what exactly would happen- But I am impressed!

Today I would like to ask you how many of you have dreams and goals you want to pursue? Any how many more have goals that you are actually going after? It seems to me that a lot of us would be a whole lot happier if we didn't wall ourselves in with a bunch of 'can'ts' and start asking instead, 'Why not?'. Perhaps it would take us a while, but the time is going to pass no matter what so we might as well use it.

Until our next meeting, Gentle Readers...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image, which I titled Mooncrystal, isn't so much an accident as an experiment. It's amazing what just a different frame can do to a picture.

The same is true with how you look at life situations: Sometimes a problem that looks insurmountable from one angle actually becomes simple from another- or even a stepping-stone to a larger solution.

With that in mind, I will include a quote from the same source as the item about the Analyst in Every Woman:

> "I am free to be just who I am at any point in time
> I live the aspects of myself within the cosmic rhyme
> Teacher, mother, lover, friend; all these belong to me
> It matters not what you expect; I am who I should be."

In a way, the above paragraph is what I've been trying to describe in my recent scribblings. But the writer has expressed it beautifully, succinctly, and without any wasted words.