Monday, August 31, 2009


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

It's another Monday- and today is actually going to be cool in comparison to what it was this time last week. It's a good thing, considering how badly I overheat while attending to my Monday cleaning.

Today's image is an experiment that doesn't look at all like what I was hoping for. But it does demonstrate what certain patterns and colors can do together, so I kept it.

Something outside just went Boom! My first thought was about another blown transformer, but we still have power here. So it can't be that. Later on I think I'll see if the radio has anything to offer in the way of news.

I've run into a snag with my last project for a class: The instructor has said she wants a graph. But the subject I chose to base my project around has very few hard numbers that I can build a meaningful graph with. I do hope she answers my question about that in plenty of good time, instead of waiting until after it is due to say anything at all. I've got a friend who has an instructor who has not really been fair or honest with her. Fortunately mine has been better about that- most of the time. But I'm not easy. Wish me luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Starfire and Sunlight

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

I have nothing new to add on the school front. But yesterday while I was browsing the archives of a site that I moderate, I came across a small piece of poetry I wrote a few years ago. So now I present it, along with an image I made to go with it.

I dream of starfire, and sunlight
The dawn covers me with warm gold and crimson
As I see the world turn
I greet the day

At night I see starfire
Diamonds and silver dust the sky
Blazing in the darkness
Few see the night

I watch alone
And dream of starfire, and sunlight

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Look at the Future

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

As many of you know, I've experimented a lot artistically over the last few months. This morning, I tried a lighter background instead of one of the usual dark ones. It doesn't seem to work well with some of the flood fills, but it is a restful change for some of the other things I might attempt.

You may remember me talking about some of the assignments I've had during the last week that involved job searches. I didn't really apply- but now I wonder if I shouldn't. If nothing else, it would be good for practical experience. It's something for me to think about.

I still find it hard to believe that this block of courses is almost over. Has it really been nine weeks? And yet, I have to conclude that it has, after fighting hard to get into the school in the first place.

The field I've chosen to go into is pretty new to a lot of people, not just me. But if some of the articles I found in the course of my researches are any indicator, the services I've decided I want to offer will be in demand for a long time. Wish me luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Next Thing You See...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled A Rosy Glow- though as you can see, there is a blue gemstone effect in the middle of the field. This is another one I may rename.

The last assignment I had to do this week for one of my classes involved an actual job search, then writing a resume and letter of application to my would-be employer. The largest problem I had with the assignment was doing the search itself, once I located sample documents that showed what I wanted. I ought to do more assignments like this: I've gotten too comfortable sitting in my home. And moreso, I need to post a real application and see if I can land the job: After all, I do have a use for more money! I'm sure most of you can understand that.

Next week doesn't seem to have so many assignments- but it is the last week of this block of classes, so it's the most important one. I've gone ahead and looked at some of the material for the next block too. I'm not easy about the Critical Thinking course- but I had better learn to deal with it. Such is life.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Putting It Together

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Fiery Glow- and I think you can see why. Since I've experimented so much with the blue end of the spectrum, I thought I would see what I could do with the red.

Yesterday's assignment is done- for which I am grateful. And I've taken notes for today's work, as I'm sure you can tell if you read yesterday's post. I still haven't put them all together, but I think I will after I take one last look at my samples and templates. Wish me luck! The territory I venture into now is more alien than the surface of Mars, and less easy to explore! But then, if I wanted easy I would not have gone back to school in the first place.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do You Dance?

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Last night, a friend sent a link to a marvelous little song with a video showing the lyrics. Here it is:

Some of you may recognize part of today's image. But I added the long narrow pieces and titled it after the song, "Do You Dance?"

The song asks what you do when things start to get bad: Do you allow yourself to get depressed? Or do you defy the hurt and sadness, and laugh and dance anyway?

For some of us, it is a timely message.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Notes, Notes, and More Notes!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Hatching Moon. It is enough to make one wonder what sort of creature would use a moon for an egg, is it not? I may try this again in a different color scheme.

Notes, notes, and more notes! I filled up pages of the things just trying to get a handle on an assignment I need to get done today- and I still am not sure I was successful! Perhaps looking at a few examples and templates will do the trick: That's part of what I had to do for my big presentation. When I looked at some of the assignments I will have to do in my next block of courses, it made me glad that the first one was only 10 slides: Some of the future ones are likely to require 15 to 20, from what my glance showed.

Such is the life of a college student. Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, Monday

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

And yes, it is Monday. Things in school have revved up incredibly toward the end, instead of slowing down like what might be expected in grade school as students cram for the tests they should have been studying for all along. I've managed to get one assignment done, but the next ones are going to be even bigger. So be it; I'll just have to knock it down to size again.

Here is a bit of Monday morning nostalgia:

And with that in mind, I am off!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

And Now For The End...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Well, my last major project is done- though I may have to edit it one more time before I turn it in. And I have two more weeks left in my first block of courses. One of them probably won't be too bad, but the other looks down-right scary! I'm sure the cats are wondering what I'm doing hiding under the bed with them!

C'est La Vie: The assignments won't go away because I want them to. So I'm going to have to turn up Burning Heart in my head and attack them. Here is a link to a video of the song:

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

My presentation is Done! I just hope it's done in a way my instructor would look favorably on.

Today's image is titled Dancing Flames. Unlike most of my previous pieces, this one was no accident: It was quite deliberate, though I was concerned that some of my program's quirks would get in the way again. Lo and behold, they didn't! So the image is here for your enjoyment.

I looked ahead at next week's reading, and at some of the reading for my next block of courses. My brain is still reeling, but I am hopeful that that will end by the time the next courses start. So I view myself as having just a bit of an advantage over my classmates in that I actually did go see what I was in for.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is a small experiment titled Feelin' Groovy. I was trying to get past the bug that wasn't allowing me to work the bright pink and green together into a picture. Since the result had an effect not unlike the art of the Psychedelic 60's, I chose a name somewhat reminiscent of that.

My class project is most of the way done. I just need one chart and a table, and a closing statement. The table will be a fairly simple matter to make. The chart, I am not so sure of: While I have the data, I am not sure how exactly to present it. Still, that is far better than what I started with! Wish me luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Eureka Moment!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Yes, this is far earlier than I usually awaken. Last night wasn't a good night for sleeping, both because of the heat and because of a problem I was wrestling with. Finally around 1:00 A.M. I had one of those proverbial 'Ah-ha!' moments. Then I was able to get to sleep some.

Let me guess, you're wondering what the problem was. Well, it is this; I've never assembled a Power Point presentation before, and I have one due in a couple of weeks. I was wondering how to present a convincing argument in the little space I have when it suddenly occurred to me that I was trying to put too much information in one spot. Not only was the presentation crowded, it was starting to look choppy because it was crowded- and no company head would be impressed by that. You see, I was trying to sell a theoretical service to a theoretical company. I think I finally have a good solid handle on that!

Today's image is another of my early ones. It was done largely in a basic Bitmap program I simply titled it mountain. I think I'll attempt a remake of this one in Paint Shop Pro, now that I have a better understanding of how that works.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Scary Assignment Defeated!

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is an older one I titled Quartered. Some of what you see, I did not expect at all. But it's just one of the many quirks of my tools.

I finally managed to beat down that one assignment yesterday, after I wrestled with it for many hours. All hail the power of the legal pad! I couldn't have done it without the assistance of that yellow paper.

Now I have another one to do today, and two more major ones for the week.

I got a call yesterday from my academic counselor with some news that made me drop my jaw: Because of some of the credits that got transferred to the college, I was opted out of a class. The class in question was the second one in the business communication series. Let me tell you, I was stunned: I don't see myself as having that much business acumen. But if it works, I'm willing to let it go and fill in on the stuff I do need. If I feel something important was skipped, I can go search for a workshop to fill that in. I'm beginning to feel pretty confident, though- so I don't think that will be necessary. I suppose I should be more careful about getting cocky, but the recent assignments have assured that that won't happen: The last ones are considerably more challenging than the first.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Scary Assignment!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rising Monolith. Right now I'm experimenting with a different deformation from my usual circle ones. Right now, the results are fascinating.

Yesterday I took a look at an assignment that I have to do today- and it was all I could do to keep from hiding under the bed! I have to create a business presentation, and I really don't have a mind that's geared for that!

Perhaps I'm just making it harder than it has to be. In that case, I just have to break out the pad and pencil again, like I do for a bunch of other things. That seems to help me bring assignments into perspective.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Poor Kitties!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is of a cat we used to have named Shadow. I'll never figure out how my husband managed to get that close-up of her! She has crossed the Rainbow Bridge now, but I still have my memories of her attacking Ivan's tail or curling up in my lap for a nap.

There is a reason I chose this instead of one of my usual images: Galahad and Egraine- our present feline friends- must think I'm nuts by now! I've run all over the house waving a dust rag like a mad woman, done much the same with a vacuum cleaner (which the cats don't like at all), then mopped the floor. Before I started with the vacuum cleaner, Galahad was busily purring in my lap while Egraine was taking a peaceful nap on top of the washing machine. I tell you, us humans really can ruin a good nap! At least, that's what the cats think. Fortunately, they forgive us pretty quickly.

For that matter, I've never seen a cat that really likes vacuum cleaners- though I did see one who was pretty mellow about it when I was cleaning for his human.

Such is life!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Good morning, Gentle Readers!

And wow! I don't sleep this late often any more! It must be that for once I wasn't burning up.

Today's image is titled Lights. It took some doing, but I finally managed to get what I was looking for. Now if I can figure out how to make the colors stay clean instead of blend with unpredictable results...

What I would like to learn to do is superimpose some other image on pictures like the one presented today. I bet I would get some fantastic results! I tried that with Stripes and a silhouette, and wasn't really pleased with the results: I couldn't hide the white background with the silhouette. But that is simply a matter of practice: The tools are there if I can simply learn how to use them.

For that matter, the same philosophy can apply to other things in life: Learn to use the tools you have.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Posting Centennial!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

And yes, this is the 100th post! I've rambled about critter companions, music, family, and school. I've talked about personal philosophy and art. I've even ranted a little- though I try not to do that because I see too much of it.

Today's image is titled Bright Shadows. I have no idea how I managed to create it! And I'm not even sure I could re-create it because of the odd ways the colors interact. But here it is!

Speaking of creating, I'm still trying to decide what kinds of graphs and tables to make for my project. I hate being stuck like that! Perhaps I am overthinking, and what I need to do is just hold my breath and dive in, like I did to begin my studies in the first place. Wish me luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

As you can tell, this is yet another attempt at the teardrop effect. It didn't exactly work- of course. But it is still pleasant enough.

Yesterday when I was looking for grants and scholarships, I found one that looked fantastic! The competition for it will be fierce: I'm not going to deceive myself on that score. The grant is for one lucky person who can design the front of a card that the company that is offering the scholarship likes best. And there are some wonderfully talented artists out there. But who knows?

Anyway, I started something that I hope will work. Today I'm going to take a closer look at this grant and see what is required. Wish me luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

An explanation

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Looking at yesterday's post, I noticed that I sounded a little angry. I suppose I ought to explain that just a bit. And I should apologize to those of you who didn't earn that outrage.

The truth is, there are a lot of things that I've done without because of less-than-honorable people who demanded attention for themselves, or who went out of their way to ignore me when I tried to tell them there was a problem. Some of these people, I will never see again. I can't say I will miss them. Others are people in positions of trust or- dare I say it?- authority. Karma will deal with them soon enough, if it hasn't already.

I really do try not to be bitter about it. That becomes a lot easier when there is a course of action available to me. That there is now is actually a huge relief.

I keep telling myself that I should let the past go. Perhaps this time I will listen.

Until we meet...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Can Endure...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is yet another experiment in the recreation of the embedded teardrop of color. It didn't quite turn out as I thought it would, but it does have a certain glow. I titled it Flame Crystal.

It has been a while since I've tried my hand at poetry. But I think today I shall.

You put me down, you cut me with your lies
You look at me with greed in your eyes
You steal what I earned, wait for me to die

But I Can Endure

"You're not good enough!" you say to me
You tie me in prison, yet I am free
You sit in your grand house out by the sea

But I can endure

For the ocean one day will wash it all clean
Fire will cleanse what is truly small and mean
And I will come with my friends and our dream

Until then...

I can endure

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hot Hot Hot!

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

And it truly is morning at least: Last night was too hot to sleep, so I am here, awake a good solid hour at least before I normally would be.

Not that that's a bad thing: There was iced tea to make, and I had a bag of donations to sit out for the DAV (Disabled American Veterans). I didn't think my husband would remember: He had a lot on his mind. So it's just as well I didn't try to roll over for just a little bit more.

Today's image is titled Amethyst-Jade. The jade part was supposed to be a vivid green that I had chosen for that especial flood fill- but the intense blue interacted with the green in such a way that it became what you see.

Now that I am up, I have assignments to do and a project to finish. And perhaps a piece of poetry to write for tomorrow!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Down to the Wire

Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is an attempt to recreate an effect I had made some time ago. I still haven't quite figured out how I did it! If you've been following me any length of time, you would have seen the effect I'm looking for: The one that created Tear In The Sun.

It's coming down to the wire: I've got only a couple of weeks left on my first set of college courses, a project due, and the reading has built up. That means I won't have as much time for some of the games I've grown fond of- But I really do need to stop playing them so much too, since I also have a goal to finish with if I want to keep to my time table.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Take Two

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Yesterday, I said I was going to try to remake that image I brought forth for your perusal. Here is the result. As you can see, it is different, but it is still much the same. I hope you enjoy!

After thinking- a lot- I think I know where to find the last bit of information I really do need for my project. I still have to place a few inquiries, but it should come together easily now. I am speaking relatively: At least I'm not giving it a glassy-eyed stare.

I also did a little bit of research about green and high-energy efficiency homes. I learned a lot of very interesting things!

1) An energy efficient eco-friendly home is not that much more expensive to build than a conventional one. The things that adds to the price tag of the homes portrayed on television are the high-end finishing touches, such as the granite counter tops and so on. I think granite is a lovely material, but I can live without it. I just don't want formica, thank you!
2) One thing that adds to the energy efficiency of a home is a layer of insulation called a 'thermal wrap' in addition to the standard insulation between the studs. In conventional construction, the joints where the frame is assembled aren't insulated. Nor are a lot of the areas around doors and windows. According to an article I found, ideally a home should be so well sealed that a ventilator fan is needed to facilitate air exchange.
3) Even just the orientation of the house can make a difference in how much energy it uses.

There are more things I found, but I think I will stop there. It's an exciting time to be learning about these things!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

And Ugh! I looked at the requirements for my school project again- and while the images I have are nice, they simply won't do what I want! Perhaps fortunately, I haven't put anything into document form yet: I've just collected a bit more of some information than I really need. I can always use it for something else, though!

Today's image is titled Sunset Tree. As you've probably noticed by now, it was one that I started in Paint and finished in Paint Shop Pro, and is another of my fantasy-style works. I'm going to want to try this again so the sunset-clouds don't look so much like an afterthought, but as it is it's not too awful.

Hmm- Maybe I can take one of my flood-fill images and superimpose a tree on it? It's something to think about at least.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Of School and Felines

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Has anyone ever told you how hard it is to write or study with a 15 pound cat in your lap demanding attention? Let me tell you, you might as well give up all thought of anything except paying attention to the cat! At least, until he decides to move, or until you put him off. Fortunately, Galahad is pretty good about staying off for a while if I do that. Though he will purr and 'cute' at me if he sees me looking in his direction. Only a cat can take an adjective and turn it into a verb!

I've located a number of images for my project, but something is missing. I'm sure I'll think of it or find it some time today. Meanwhile, I did promise myself that I would begin my other investigations.

Today's image is partly planned and partly an experiment. I tried a reddish background for one thing, instead of my usual deep blue, black, or deep green. I am quite pleased with how it came out- though I'm not sure I could do it again. I can try, though!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Do This!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is pretty clear: It's supposed to remind the possessor thereof to attend to some task or goal. I originally made it for my husband, but it could apply to me too.

This is on my "Do This!" list:

Finish my power-point presentation.
Finish my writing- or at least one piece of it!
Finish my degree. Fortunately, I have a visible schedule here.
In light of the preceding item, make a schedule for anything that is not exactly school related!
Begin designing my eventual home, including all the minor details. Rough blueprints and half-dreams are fine, but they are not definite. And half-dreams accomplish very little.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image wasn't really made with any purpose at all in mind. But I was startled to see how the colors I had selected to fill in certain sections didn't come out that way at all. I had chosen an unusual background color to begin with, and the rest just interacted in a very strange way. I think I would have enjoyed a feature wall painted like this when I was a teenager.

On the hospital front, I have some fantastic news! My grandmother is awake and the ventilator has been removed. She seems to be recovering well, and her mind is clearer now than it has been in some time. Once her lungs are fully back where they should be and she has had the needed therapy, she'll be able to go home and live!

On the school front, I've finished and turned in one major paper. The next one will be a doozy, but I'm pumped now!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

It's crunch time at the college: I have one paper to finish, and a power point presentation to attend to. And I still haven't inspected all of the images I was given URLs to for the latter. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to stay up late for this, but I keep saying that procrastination is no student's friend. It's past time I started listening to myself for that!

Today's image is titled Emerald on Sapphire. While I was creating it, I tried to introduce a different sort of light from what I normally do. It was very different indeed! The colors switched to their chromatic opposites, or were otherwise brightened beyond their usual range. I'll have to do that again and this time save the picture for your eventual perusal.

On the hospital front, at the last word the doctors still hadn't succeeded in removing the ventilator. But that is not a cause for concern. I think there is a good chance of success at the next attempt: By now, my grandmother's lungs should be used to working at capacity.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Quartered. I started it in the basic Paint program, then finished it with Paint Shop Pro because the Paint wouldn't do some things I wanted it to do. As usual, I got a few surprises- But they were pleasant ones. I'm thinking I might take this image and attempt a few other changes with it that didn't work with some of my past pictures at all. But it was because I didn't understand the tool, not because it couldn't work.

Today promises to be busy: The paper I wanted to finish yesterday hasn't been touched, but I did get some other work done so I would have most of the day free. Then there is the Plan that I actually wrote out for meeting a number of goals. Somehow having a definite plan is very different from having a fuzzy idea or dream.

That Plan (and yes, the capitalization is being done on purpose) will involve me going back and finishing- or redoing- the writing I have already started. Then there is the purpose behind all of my studies.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!

This morning has been quite busy: After having started late due to being up into the wee hours of the morning working on a paper, I find myself needing to finish that paper. The template the instructor offered has been tremendously helpful, but I have a feeling I will need to do some trimming in some places and some beefing up in others.

My husband and I, too, were out buying some things we've needed for ages. There was one item that we forgot about- until we were on our way home. But it's nothing that can't wait for a bit. After shopping, I had to dig through my things and pull out stuff that either I didn't want any more or was worn beyond usefulness to anyone but me. I suppose I ought to dig some more like that: It's not like there's a lack of stuff to get rid of.

After today, I believe I will be done with the first draft of that one paper. I will then need to focus on the other- and that one will be more challenging, though after I looked at the instructions for it it might not be so bad. I'm still not easy about it, but I am feeling better now that one item is most of the way done.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Real Possibility

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

A few weeks ago when I was out of town, I got to read a fascinating article in a small-town newspaper. It truly was small, only about 14 pages all told- if one doesn't count all the ads stuffed into it. It was about a company called Cityscape Solar. What this company does is look at old buildings- and if they have historical value, buys them and sets up Green Tech manufacturing facilities using the tax incentives for preserving and re-purposing historical properties. And this company does it best to recruit from the local work force, and to use the skills already in existence. They also set up workshops to teach about the Green Tech industries.

When I saw that article, I immediately thought, "Hot Dog! I need to talk with these people!" And I should: While commuting isn't an option for me, I'm sure there is something I can do that this company would consider worth looking into.

I have homework to do yet- But I think after I finish with that I will see about contacting this company and seeing what we can work out.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers....