Sunday, January 31, 2010

After The Snowstorm

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Different Views. It's another variation of the eye pattern I've been working with. I wanted to see what it would look like on a transparent background rather than one of the colored ones. I think next I'll try it against a burgundy.

The snow from last night has stopped- and it is deep! Most of the front end of the car is buried, though a lot of that could be snowdrift and where the snow had landed after I swept it off the porch. The sun on the snow is beautiful! It won't stay that way for long, when it starts melting into a dirty slush. But for now, I am going to admire it.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Another Eye. It's a remake of the image I posted yesterday- and I confess, it is far more striking. The bright green background is just plain bright, though it would be perfect for psychedelic works.

Guess what: It's snowing outside! It's coming down hard and fast, after it started out as very fine flakes last night. It hasn't gotten deep yet: Perhaps half an inch or so. But it looks like it will continue for quite some time. My husband is not pleased, but he's taking it and the teasing I'm giving in good humor.

I've managed to get my school work done for the week. Now I need to try to pull ahead, and to decide how to approach the capstone projects. Nine weeks may appear to be a long time, but that time vanishes far too quickly when one has major works to do.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Funny Dog!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Eye. I confess, when I opened up a canvas and selected green for the canvas color, I didn't know it would be that bright! But it is something to keep in mind the next time I get the urge to create something evocative of the 60's. Meanwhile, it was interesting to see what I would get with certain rotations as well as fills.

You may remember me talking about my friend with the little dog a few times. Well, the pup has gotten down-right bossy! He has started ordering her to go to bed- and if she doesn't, he will grab her pants leg and try to drag her! It gets pretty hilarious too, especially when one considers that the pup himself wasn't feeling so good not long ago. That's pretty good, considering how he is recovering from a serious case of abuse and neglect.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Too Early, Too Many Thoughts...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Blue Moon. I was trying to use one of the filters for a slight sparkly effect. It didn't quite work: I got this slightly grainy image instead. But I thought it interesting enough that I left it as it is.

Yes, I know I'm up way too early. I normally would have been hiding under the covers for at least an hour longer than I did. I had a slight inspiration for handling an assignment, though, so it is best to strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.

There is a small matter I am concerned about: One of the people I correspond with via e-mail has suddenly turned up missing: The mails sent to her are being returned with a note saying that there is no such person. Considering how Frodo had gone quiet for some time before he was found dead, I'm not easy at all. I'm going to look into the matter, if no one beats me to it.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Charging Ahead

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Shifting Egg. I made it this morning while looking over a new tool that I hadn't attempted really to use before. I was hoping to somehow get a glittery kind of effect- so I like sparkles once in a while. I think this will do it!

I finally got everything caught up to date with my school last night. Now I have to try to get ahead just a bit- especially considering how in a few weeks I will be dealing with a workshop in addition to my classes. I'm not complaining: I've found that I am in dire need of the said workshop. Why does APA formatting have to be so complicated anyway? But if it will get the grades I want, then I'll do it.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Catching Up

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Spring Forest's Ghost. It was partly the result of an experiment this morning, and partly something I had done before. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I thought it looked a bit like mist against a green moon- which I seem to be using a lot more than I planned. I think the next time I make an image like this, I will try to use a color considerably closer to normal for the background part.

I spent most of yesterday reading school texts and handling assignments. I confess, I thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head by the time I was done! But there was no way I was leaving that one most particular chapter only half-read- even if it wasn't really due until next week, or perhaps the week afterwards. I now have to see how far caught up I can get with the other course- but after yesterday's marathon session, I can do just about anything!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, January 25, 2010


Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!

If you follow me, you may remember that I expressed concern over one of my instructors over the lack of a syllabus and course calendar. Well, he wrote in earlier today. Poor man! Apparently his computer system went boom. He seems relieved to be back on line now!

I've got my hands full for the rest of the week, it seems! Both courses will be demanding. But I'm up for it!

Oh Dear....

Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is Blue Egg. I started it a long time ago in Paint, and don't really consider it finished. I was trying to use touches of color to make it appear in three dimensions, and don't really consider it finished. But it is soothing.

I suppose you're wondering why the title. Well, it's like this: My new block of classes has started. Only one of the said classes has not posted a syllabus and course calendar yet, and the instructor was supposed to last night. So when I logged in this morning, I still didn't see it. I posted an inquiry in the class forums, and found out that at least one of my classmates has seen the same thing and has called the college about it. I sure hope that the instructor is all right: Huge swatches of the country have been hit by storms and blizzards- again.

In the meanwhile, I will see what I can do with the class I have all of the needed material for. Wish me luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Classes

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled More Light. It's the original version of the image I posted yesterday- and as you can see, there is very little resemblance, beyond the circle that's the main object of the picture.

Well, yesterday I was able to access the new classes for the first time. I'll have to go back today and print off the syllabuses and calendars, and start to work there. I'll also have to see about final grades from my present block of courses. I also signed up for the APA formatting workshop: I seem to have a great deal of difficulty with knowing where to insert in-text citations, though I do take great care to not plagiarize my sources. I've lost points in my grades before because of that- Not a good thing.

When I told a friend of mine about the workshop, she all but pounced on it: She was having similar difficulty, though not like one of her (former) instructors made it out to be.

That is all for this morning.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Last Day Thoughts

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Light-test. It is a remake of another picture I made last night- and believe me, you wouldn't recognize this as the same picture! For that matter, I was a bit startled by what happened when I added a couple of filters.

It is nearly the last day of my present block of classes. I suppose I could go see if the new ones have their syllabuses and course calendars up yet. I hope they do- though the last time, the school didn't post those until the last minute. And yet, when they asked for suggestions, I told them to try posting just a little bit early so the students will have a chance to get a grip on their course material! With some of the more advanced courses especially, that time is very much needed. I guess I'll just have to keep on nagging!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thoughts About Dealing With A Catastrophy

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image has been displayed before, and is titled Peering Through Smoke. I made it while thinking about the California wildfires, but I think it can be applied to Haiti too.

Americans are some of the most generous people in the world, make no mistake. And we have done our level best to get food and other supplies to the victims of the quakes. Why, then, do they still suffer?

Could it be that a number of greedy souls have decided to keep the supplies themselves? Or that these same greedy souls are more busy strutting their authority and simply keeping the aid from getting to where it is needed?

Granted, the logistics of such a huge relief effort are horrendous, made more so by poor roads made even worse by the quakes themselves. But there has got to be a better way.

I do have a proposal- or part of one. And I daresay someone else has had the same thoughts. Somewhere there is a topographical map of Haiti. And while most of the roads aren't on there, there should be something that tourists at least can use. I propose that parachute drops be used: At least, that way there will be food and drinks.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another New Beginning

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Diamond in Light. Now, I really don't know what a diamond looks like under ultraviolet light, but I have seen other gems. It was really quite amazing. So I imagine this is something like how a diamond might appear.

It took some doing, but I finally managed to get my downloads for my other course. I wonder what had happened on the school's end of the net: Everything else on my browser worked just fine. I've got some serious reading to do in the next few days before the new courses start!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

School's Out! For a few hours...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Peeking Out. You may remember that I posted a similar image recently, with an impression of curtains over a light. This is my first attempt at that effect. I probably should have made the light a bit brighter- But that is something to keep in mind for the next time around!

Yay, my last paper is turned in! Now I have to finish collecting my material for my next block of courses. I got what I could from one course yesterday and even read a few pages of it. But I still need the other course. And both look like they will be challenging. I also need to see about obtaining a college grant to help pay for this stuff- and that is next on my list of Things To Do (tm).

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What If?

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Spark In Amethyst. I experimented with using a couple of different background colors and flood-fills on a transparent base. Apparently, the transparent base does help the colors to remain more true. But it is not fool-proof, and lacks some of the drama that a dark background can give. Sometimes, though, darkness is not needed. Some time in the near future, I think I'll try to reverse the red and blue. That does look promising!

This morning as I was reading through the blogs I normally follow, I came across a video about UFOs. I'm not saying that this video is or isn't that. Certainly not everyone that claims to see a UFO really has seen one. But we have a lot of perfectly good stars out there. It would be just plain silly to not have some other intelligent race out there creating space ships, or space-faring civilizations.

What would happen if we were to meet these other beings? Would they be able to teach us? Or willing to, until we are willing to grow up as a species and put aside needless anger and hate? Or would they come as the stereotypical Monsters From Mars? Or even both friend and foe?

Thoughts like that may be a waste of time for some. But it's no more a waste than many of the other hundreds of games that we play.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Last-minute Plotting

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Backlit. I experimented some with using extra background colors along with the foreground, and a deformation. It looked a bit to me like a new moon sometimes does, with a circle of light around it- Only with different colors.

I was up until the wee hours plotting and looking stuff over. Now, I just have to take a deep breath and plunge in! That last paper is going to get done TODAY or else!

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

One More Paper!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's Image is titled Tumbling Pentagon. I was doing an experiment with rotating images one day when I came up with this. There are a couple of things in the image that I'm not altogether satisfied with, but all in all, it was a different effect- one which I think I will use again, or use some variation thereof.

One more paper! Only one more at that! I've been having trouble making it come together, but some time between last night and this morning I figured it out- I hope. Now to apply keyboard to document and get it turned in! I managed to get everything else done, and that suits me very well indeed. I did have to add a little more data to one thesis, and a few more illustrations. I'm going to call it done, unless I have a sudden burst of inspiration before I hit that Submit button.

Then I'm going to give myself a few hours off.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Swirl. I made it last night- quite by accident (so what's new?). I was trying to get green to swirl in with the pink. It didn't quite work, but I think I have an idea how to make it work now. My husband looked over my shoulder at it and commented on how it looked like a Yin-Yang.

That is highly apropos to what I am going to talk about today. Just a short time ago, I came across an essay in one of the blogs I follow about Poise.

It talked about how poise is grace under pressure, or the ability to not lose one's cool when the going gets tough. The author even found a rap group called Poise and listened to a song by them titled Words Are Weapons. While I don't like rap, I think this group has something to say.

I don't think I will ever be a true master of Poise. But I have great admiration for those who are.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sparkly Things...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Amethyst Star. I made it some time ago, then more or less let it sit in a file. I always intended to show it, but kept getting distracted by other projects.

A few months ago, I talked with my mother about some of my pictures. She suggested that I should start painting them as murals, rather than as something that could be hung on the wall. The idea does have merit: For one thing, a mural isn't going to come crashing down off the wall in the middle of the night if a nail should work loose! She also suggested that I might want to use paint or a glaze with glitter in it for a finishing touch. I admit, I like sparkly things as long as it's not over-done. So perhaps I will do just that!

Last night, I finally got the feedback I was looking for from my classmate and my instructor for the one project. I was gratifying to see that they both seemed to like the paper so far, and that I only had to make minor changes. My classmate did bring up a few items that I might want to mention in the course of the paper, and I'll be sure to incorporate them- If only for the word count!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Writing By The Seat Of My Pants!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Shining. I really was hoping to be able to make something like this without having to delineate it so plainly, but I've come to the conclusion that that's not possible with my present set of tools. No matter: Even considering that I had to use solid lines, this didn't come across badly at all.

I still haven't seen my feedback from the one class. So it looks like I will have to work without it. That won't matter much, I suppose: The WritePoint (the school's proprietorial spelling and grammar checker) has given me almost all of the feedback I really need. It has also pointed out a number of words and phrases that I used too much, so I can go back and correct that.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Fireglow. I had forgotten that I had moved some of my tools in such a way that they would create slightly off-center effects, but I liked what I got here so I kept it.

Talk about close! Last night I realized I had an assignment due in one of my classes and had to take care of it in a hurry. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was one of those things where I had to be logged into my college site to take care of it. Fortunately I checked before I logged out for the night!

I still haven't gotten my feedback from my classmate so I could finish one of my projects, and I can't say I'm quite happy about that. I may end up having to work without the feedback. But then, one of my classmates had been very ill and it could be that he was the one who got assigned my paper, so I won't complain much: The poor guy has had a heavy load.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Finals Frets

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Blue Night- Green Day. I made deliberate use of the flood-fill bug that had been such a pain to deal with before for part of it. Only since I was using a blue base to paint on instead of black or white, I got something that was very much unexpected. Again, what is new? Then I added the circle that accounts for the name of the image. I thought about trying to add a few stars, but decided that would be too much.

I got quite a lot done yesterday in the school department, including an assignment that had been driving me up the wall. But I've got quite a lot more to do too that I need to hear back from my instructors to complete. While I'm pretty good at waiting when I have to, I can't say I really like it: It puts me behind. And I've lost track of how many opportunities I've lost because of well-meaning 'helpers'. Fortunately, perhaps, the instructors I've met so far at the University of Phoenix have done their level best- All hail these fine ladies and gentlemen!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, January 11, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Fuschia. As you probably can guess, it didn't exactly turn out as planned- So what's new? I was seeing what else I could do with a curtains-over-light effect, and testing a different background from my usual black-dark blue ones. It proved to be a bit problematical at first, with my usual painting techniques. But I found out how to get around it.

I took a peek at my next courses late last night. They do promise to be interesting. I'll have to look them over more closely later on today. Hopefully, after this pair, I'll be able to go about getting funding for what I want. Wish me luck, Gentle Readers! I'm on a timetable here!

Until we meet...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The End Is Near (Again)

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is New Beach Ball. I didn't try to put it on a beach setting this time, but I thought something nice and bright was in order. The last few nights have been positively frigid- compared to what I'm used to. So warmth is good!

Week Eight of a nine-week course- It hardly seems possible, but it has happened again. I've spoken with both my academic and my financial counselors- Lovely ladies, both of them. And now I should go see what the next set of courses has in store for me. Right now my brain is protesting just a bit, but letting up now would be a huge mistake- One I do not intend to make again!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Moonglow and Lamp Glow...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Moonglow. I admit, it was a bit of a surprise: I really didn't know what the flood-fill over my hillsides would do. But I found the effect to be pleasant, so I saved it. It has been suggested that I should turn this into a mural because in a way it is soothing. I may do that!

Week eight in my classes. One I mostly had to write a checkpoint and the capstone paper for. The other, I have to write a paper and a couple of essays that are nearly as big. Ow! I'll have to see about the essays today: This is one thing that I really don't want to have waiting until the last minute! Wish me luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, January 8, 2010

The End Is Near?

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is Tumbling Pentagon. I was experimenting with rotating various images I had already created when I made this. I think I'll attempt a remake of it some time: There are a couple of pieces of it that don't seem to be coming out quite right, though the errors are so small that I may be the only one that is seeing them.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers! I'm nearing the end of yet another block of courses, and have several assignments to do that are nearly as big as the capstone projects! Talking about wanting to hide under the bed! But that isn't an option.

Until we meet...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stubborn Paper!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is one of the few true monochrome images I've attempted to make. It is titled Peeking Out. You've seen another version of the same image not so long ago, only far changed from the original intent and with different coloring.

I finally started a bit on my Behavior Science paper- but the thing is being stubborn about coalescing. Right now, though, I'm stubborn too! Since I've only one item absolutely required in school today but I can't attend to it until I hear back from my instructor about another item, I'll work with this instead.

I suppose you're wondering a bit about that paper. The thing is this: I have to conduct an interview (That part, at least, is done!), and turn the results of this interview into a reasonably professional paper. But I'm not at all sure how to do that with what are, after all, highly informal words. I'll think of something: It wouldn't be the first time I've done something similar. I finally did get my research paper down to something similar to what I want.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Curse of the Transformer!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Pillar. There is one especial tool I didn't intend to use in it. But I liked the three-dimensional effect it gave, so I didn't change a thing.

And yes, the Curse of the Transformer strikes again! This time it caught fire and dropped burning insulation onto the neighbor's lawn. Fortunately it didn't really catch, but it was scary. So again, those poor power people were working out in those frigid temperatures for a good solid two hours- from shortly before 9:00 until nearly 11:00! I sure hope someone had hot coffee waiting for them when they got home- or wherever they go after work like that! Fortunately I wasn't really doing anything that required electricity other than web-surfing, and I had enough warning to shut everything down before the power went out altogether.

It is enough to make me believe the area is jinxed.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

News And Determination

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

I'm sure some of you are wondering why the dark image this morning. Well- this morning, I learned that a cousin affectionately known as Frodo had died. He was a fine gentleman with a wonderful sense of humor. And more importantly, he believed in his friends who were trying to improve themselves and their circumstances. Here's for you, Frodo.

With that, I will offer a short piece of poetry:

Don't look at the Earth
where corpses lie
Seek the stars
I did not die

With that, I have no intention of disappointing him. So on this year's must do list I will:

Complete my schooling
Complete at least one book
Lay concrete plans for my business

I no longer will seek aid from those who cannot or will not give it. In one way, that is sad- but in another, it is freeing.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, January 4, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Hillsides. I've been trying to make something like this ever since the only program I had to work with was Paint. But Paint won't do it: If my brush is a single pixel off, it shows in the finished picture. And unfortunately, it's very hard to get the lines to match properly without them cutting into each other in Paint, and even Paint Shop Pro. However, the layering that can be done with Pro has put a stop to that!

Yesterday, I said I don't do New Year's Resolutions because I simply consider them to be a waste of time. However, that doesn't mean I don't do goals- and I do have a number that I've put off simply because I didn't really promise myself I absolutely would do them. So as soon as I'm done here, I am going to look through some of my old assignments for that goal list I made and put it on my main screen where I can open it up, look at it, and check things off as I finish. The list might have been overly ambitious, but by golly ned it was a concrete list!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Frozen New Year and Dealing

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rift. At first I was going to try for an effect of red curtains being drawn back from a light, but the last change I made to the picture created what you see instead. I liked this better than I did the original concept, so I saved it.

Outside, it is bright and sunny. It is also cold! If I go out today, it will be with a hat and heavy gloves on- and I usually don't like to impede either my hearing or my sense of touch: I depend on both too much. Speaking of going out, I have to soon anyway: The air has been dry as well as cold, and in some ways that's worse than warm-dry. I don't like most lotions because they tend to be perfumey and loaded with chemicals that either I don't know what they are or they are harmful- but there is one lotion that I've got to make sure to keep on hand for my husband and myself.

The store I get this lotion from is called Vitamin World. Like most specialty stores, this one is a bit expensive. But the products are well worth it. Call this a shameless plug!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cold Nights and Hot Pizza

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Sunset. Like many others, it didn't quite come out as planned: I was trying for a yellow spark in the middle of a rose field kind of effect. I suspect, though, that this is far better. Otherwise the light colors would have been muddied up.

I didn't want to crawl out of my nice warm nest this morning! It was cold, the cats kept me awake a large part of the night last night, and it was late when I hit the sack in the first place! Oh, I know the last part was my fault: I could have chosen to go to bed sooner. But it gets a little scary when you pry your eyes open and see your clock glowing 9:00 back at you. Methinks I had better hit the sack sooner.

This may be a novel idea to some people- but it is possible to have a home-made pizza that is as good or better than some pizzeria pizzas, and better than most pre-made frozen ones. It does take some work, but the results are well worth it. I admit, I did cheat a little by using a pre-made pizza crust and pre-shredded cheese. But I rubbed my crust with olive oil, then spread tomato sauce on it. On the sauce, I sprinkled minced garlic and oregano. I then drained my mushrooms and sliced my onion and green pepper, and spread those on the crust. Believe me, that made for a large pile in itself! I then spread on the pepperoni, and added my cheese- all of it. Cheese is one thing you really don't want to skimp on! I did add a little more tomato sauce to keep the cheese from burning, then baked it at 350 until the cheese was melted and bubbly, and the vegetables that peeked out from under it were just a little brown. My husband swears that he will never buy another frozen pizza.

Bon Appetit!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rosebud. It is based in part on a mistake that lead to a couple of my other pictures that you've viewed recently, but with a slight twist: Most of what you see is very deliberate, though some I wasn't sure what would happen.

Welcome to the first day of 2010: Some would even say the first day of the new decade. It's grey outside, but warmer than it was yesterday: I'm not having to reach for my 'hand-warmers'- which are fingerless mitts that I made to wear when I'm at the keyboard but my hands were freezing.

I don't make resolutions: That is a bit of a waste of time, in my opinion. But I do have a plan; All I need now is to make a really-truly paper schedule to follow so I can stick to it more easily. I admit, there are times when I'm far too easily distracted.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...