Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Concern

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Crescent Sun. Some time ago I did a little experimenting involving the orientation of my flood-fills. This is a considerably more recent experiment. I probably could use it as a backdrop for something else, but right now it would just look like anything else was an after thought.

I'm beginning to get worried about one of my professors: He hasn't chimed in since late Sunday or early Monday morning, and a number of us have had questions about some of the study material that we really need if we are to get started on our end projects. I do hope that he is all right and just busier than usual.

Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Finally Caught Up...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Luminous Green. I made it just this morning when I woke up and just plain got an impression of grey outside. Granted, we do need rain in its season, and it is warmer now than it was yesterday. But I really wanted something to brighten the atmosphere up, so here it is!

I finally managed to get things caught up yesterday and start in with my new course reading, and even completed an assignment. But this is going to require more concentration than some of the previous courses did. Not that I'm complaining: I'm not really a college novice any more, so I should expect to be challenged! But I am thinking that I should put my Facebook account on hiatus so I won't find myself wanting to pop over there when I should be studying.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers....

Monday, March 29, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Helm And Eyes. I made it some time ago, when I was still trying to figure out what Paint Shop Pro can do. My husband commented on how part of the picture looked like a helmet, such as what one might see on a superhero, so I added a pair of glowing green eyes to complete the image. If I can figure out how I got the big part of the shape again, I think I'll try doing something different with it.

Wow, last night I was busy with a capital Busy! I ran into a delay in getting my syllabuses, and then I went to check out the new courses. They should be fun: One of the professors calls himself Doctor B. At first, the Doctor part worried me; I've met a few people who seem to think that titles make them somehow 'better'. It was a relief to find out that that wasn't the case! The other professor prefers to be called Jamie. Both of these guys are incredibly busy even without the school, and I think I may have found a kindred spirit in Jamie; He's a reader, and has taught about a wide variety of cultures. In any case, I got today's work done last night so I could concentrate on my morning chores without fretting over them.

It's just as well, too; I woke up today to a small thunder storm, where a bunch of cold air from the northwest was running into our nice warm spring air. I'm sure that a bunch of the local critters are wondering where Spring went! I don't think it will be cold much longer; I just have a feeling that Old Man Winter just wanted to get a last word in.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Changing of the Guard

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Sky And Rose. I made it while I was experimenting with rotating my images as I worked. Admittedly, the compositions against a dark background are more eye-catching, but this one isn't bad at all. I think it would have been better if that background had been a shade or two darker, though.

Well, this is the last day of this course. When I log into school today, I'll have to make sure to print off my calendars and syllabuses for my new block of classes. I hope these aren't quite as- hmm, what's the word?- Unclear as this block was in some ways. Not that it was the fault of the instructors, far from it! The gentlemen did their level best to work with what they had, and did surprisingly well. At least this time I will have at least one physical text to work with.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Getting Back Up To Speed

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled heart. I made this a couple of days ago, shortly after I made my last post. Now that I am back again, I can share it like I intended to.

I do have some good news about my father: While the problems with his heart are severe, the treatment for them is fairly simple. I believe he will be fine now.

I still have a teeny bit of research and writing to do on my final assignment; I didn't get that finished before I had to run off. But I did take some notes, and some printed material that I could work from. Needless to say, I was very sure to work while I could, when I wasn't having to attend the dogs and didn't have a kitty wanting a lap! Much as I love my cats, they- especially Galahad- can be demanding.

It was a good thing I took a look at my next block of classes; I found out I had to order a book, rather than have the text available electronically. It arrived while I was away, and my husband, bless his heart, put it in my chair. I did a bit of a happy dance when I saw it, almost like a kid at Christmas. I do like the electronic texts for their convenience, but the physical ones do have advantages in portability and in not needing electricity in order to work.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

News on the Home Front

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Smoke And Stripes. As usual, some of the coloring was not quite as expected, but I did like the effects of it. I think it would make a wonderful three-dimensional object.

Forgive me if I seem a little distracted and if I disappear for a couple of days, Gentle Readers: My father, who has been a candidate for a heart attack most of his life, has to go see a cardiologist. My mother thinks he will have to be hospitalized. If that happens, someone has to hold it together. It looks like that someone is me. I am not looking forward to that.

Wish us luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Monday

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Violet. It had been a while since I tried the deep blue and purple variations for my work: I had been using a lot of greens and pinks, and some yellows. Not that the colors all showed up as planned, of course: Far from it! But it is soothing.

I was a little surprised that I managed to wake up relatively early this morning; It was very late when I hit the sack last night. But it will be put to good use now! I've even managed to get a reasonably large fraction of my normal Monday chores done fairly early, while enjoying what amounts to a whole pot of coffee. I may be sorry later, but right now I intend to enjoy it!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

History can be fun!

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Sigil because that's pretty much what the foreground image looks like to me. I was thinking of trying for stained glass again, but decided against it- This time. Perhaps I will when I attempt another image.

Lately I've been hearing a lot of stuff about my geneology which I hadn't read in the compilations grand-uncle John had made. I can only say one thing: Wow! A friend of mine has been following the historical trail through England and Cornwall and Germany, clear on back to the Vikings. I was amazed to find some of the treasures, and skeletons hidden there. Apparently if our clan wanted them, we could legally own Pennsylvania, most of Ireland and Wales, and even the English crown, among other things. Perhaps it's just as well that all we want is room to build our own homes.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The End Is Near!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rolling In. I debated whether or not to add something else over the basic image, but couldn't think of anything that wouldn't look like it was just stuck there, so I left it.

Wow! I finished that power-point presentation last night. I'm not sure it was really up to par: I was getting pretty tired toward the end, and was more or less drifting. But it had to be done so I could focus on my last week stuff. And I do mean focus! At least I have starts on most of it so I won't be caught completely up a creek without a paddle, so to speak.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Friday, March 19, 2010

More to do...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Light. I started with a fuchsia-over-blue background, then added the light part, which has been shaped in a way that you may remember seeing before.

I originally planned on getting up as early today as I did yesterday- But the body wasn't having any of it, no sir-ree-bob! So I'm a little bit behind where I want to be in my morning activities. I can't say I'm sorry, though; I've run on less than enough sleep before, and didn't enjoy it at all. On the whole, I probably will be more effective for the rest.

That is well; While I did start my projects, I will have to work hard to finish them. I did place a request for an interview with a local celebrity for one of them, and I don't know that he will have the time for it. But one can hope!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's too early!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

And I do mean morning- WAY early in the morning! I normally wouldn't be stirring for at least another hour. So I decided to use this image, which I titled Luminous. As with many others. I wasn't sure what would come out when I made this. But the red-orange and green seem to work together well against the backdrop.

I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing up so early. Well- I do still have that power-point presentation to get done. Then it's off to look at some reference material and work more on my big projects- and my checkpoint essays, which might as well be big projects. I did start one of them last night, but I may have to redo it. I'll decide when I have the whole thing done.

Also, I received some troubling news on the family front: My father may have to go into the hospital. His past and his family's medical history have caught up with him. The men are prone to heart attacks, and he has only recently learned how not to stress out over every little thing. Wish him luck!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And Now It's War...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Dragonflames 1- Leaving open the possibility that I will make more pictures along a similar theme. This image is partly the result of a wish. Let me explain.

Another lady I know had been dealing with arthritis, the result of a number of hurricanes, and assorted other problems for some time on top of employers who were less than honorable. She finally decided to apply for disability because her body simply was not working that well any more. The so-called 'doctor' she went to for her physical for the application had the gall to try to tell her there was nothing wrong! EXCUSE ME! There's plenty wrong! Her hips and knees are bad, which means that any job requiring lifting, standing, or driving is going to be painful at best- and that means most of the jobs available. So now she's going to have to fight this so-called doctor as well as Social (dis)Services to get what she's owed.

Get'em, Dragon!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Challenge has been presented...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Dancer. I was attempting to get a bit of a stained glass effect, but that didn't work. However, everything else did so I am not disappointed.

Boy am I glad I got everything done yesterday that I did! I looked at this week's assignments- And one of the things I have to make is a Power Point presentation! Those things are labor-intensive at best. At least it's only a little eight to ten one, and not one of the 25-slide monsters like what I had in one of my last courses. And really, I had expected to have to make more presentations for this course than I did. So I shouldn't whine about it.

Time to channel Rocky!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Bit of Philosophy

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

I titled this image Stumble for the sake of convenience. A friend of mine saw the sentence elsewhere as part of a tagline and passed it on to me. I thought it was simply too good to not pass on.

And it is quite apropos.

Honestly, if everything we did came out as planned, we would never learn anything. We would never discover anything new, and life would get pretty boring real fast. The process can get frustrating at times- but the results are worth it, though it may take years of us to learn whatever the accident was supposed to teach us.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Rant

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Rotation. As you can see, I was working a bit more with the stained-glass effects when I made this. I thought it was soothing, so it now has a permanent home in my collection.

And boy do I need soothing! Last night I heard a little item about one of the college professors that STILL has me furious! Don't get me wrong: Most of the instructors are fine people. But my friend who needed the hiatus is now being threatened with an F, thanks to this one- person. All because she is still trying to study some even during her down time. Usually I'm the one that's trying to calm my friend down from panics, but that's not going to happen this time!

That's enough ranting for now; I think I'll just go get another cup of coffee, and put that energy into something else. There is no need to waste it, after all.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Neon, and I think you can see why. For once, the picture did come out somewhat as planned- Though not exactly. I've come to the conclusion that Paint Shop Pro simply can't do it, unless it has a few more undiscovered quirks.

Now on to explain the title of today's post...

This is the 300th post I've made here. I've rambled about school, cats, weather, philosophy, potential green living, and other subjects. I've talked about writing, friends, and family. I've even given a few tips that I hope have made life easier for someone. And now that it is starting to get warm again (the daffodils are blooming), it may be time for me to dust off my warm-weather survival strategies. Until then, I will simply enjoy not having the heat come on every time I turn around.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, March 12, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Waves And Shadows. As usual, it didn't quite turn out as planned- But the effect was interesting enough that I saved it. It does present a few possibilities for future work.

Ugh, inspiration can be hard! I had one for a couple of class projects last night, and wrote until my hands were screaming for mercy, and I still am not done! Still, I expect it to be done today. At least, I hope so with the storms that are in the forecast today.

So I'm off to the races, Gentle Readers!

Until we meet...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

So, That Explains That!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Flanked By Flames. For this, I went back to an old favorite technique for the centerpiece: Starburst fill and circle deformation. I then added a couple more colored areas that were roughly flame-shaped. Thus, the name.

I suppose you're wondering about the title of the post. Well, it turns out that the poor laundry detergent was innocent of the headaches I've had the past couple of days. Instead, we can blame Mother Nature; It has warmed up dramatically outside, from the 20s and 30s clear on up to 70 or even a little over! I had wondered how weather could cause the headaches, but I guess the sinuses simply do not like the sudden changes in air pressure that come with the changes. The head seems to be behaving itself now.

That's a good thing; I had a sudden inspiration for handling an assignment that had been poking at me the past few days. So out came the yellow pad, and I've been scribbling on it! One normally wouldn't think of an inanimate object as loyal, but that's about the only word I can think of to describe it right now.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Fire In The Sky. I was wanting to do a little something different with overlays- but as usual, didn't quite get what I wanted. Still, I did get this and saved it for your perusal.

Last night I made darned good and well sure I got an assignment done and turned in! So there! But I still have a lot to do- and this one-sided headache I've been fighting the past couple of days isn't helping. Something's wrong when the first thing I have to do in the morning is pop a couple of aspirin. I do have my suspicions, though: The last time my husband brought home laundry detergent, it was a brand with more scent in it than is usual. I'll have to ask him to get something different, and in the meanwhile see what I can do about airing out the house. I suppose you're wondering why I suspect that. Well, the last time I had one of these tenacious untraceable headaches was the last time I visited my parents in their previous residence- which had a huge problem with red clay dust. I'm thinking that a similar principle can be applied here.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A question of Infinity

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

It has been a while since I used a black canvas to work with, so that's what I did with this image that I titled A Question Of Infinity. As you can see, the fore-image is shaped something like a stylized mobius strip. Thus, the name.

I'm going to have to do some hard and fast reading and writing. Fortunately, one of the chapters of stuff I have to read is something I read earlier, so it won't be brand spanking new. It also looks like I'll be burning a lot of caffeine while I'm working. I asked for it, though: I got a shade too complacent earlier. No matter: I'll beat it that course work one way or another!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Talkin' 'Bout Their Problems...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Dancing In The Moonlight. I forget what exactly I did to make it, but I'm pretty sure I could re-create it in other colors. Now that I think about it, that might be fun!

Last night, I had to write a paper up for one of my classes. The trouble with that is that the instructions were such that I couldn't write out everything I wanted to. I found it to be frustrating to talk about the problems of a theoretical company, without making any suggestions toward any solutions. After all, I was taught that if I'm going to complain about something, I should be prepared to offer a solution, or at least an alternative. There is one thing, though: My little APA writing handbook got a work-out. That seems to be far more effective than the workshop I took earlier was, and less frustrating.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Warming Up

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Green Spiral. For a while, I was wondering if this nice bright piece of work was coming through. But my husband pointed out that I had somehow clicked the Edit HTML tab to the blog. I feel silly now! Time to get more coffee, extra strong!

It's still cold outside, and the heat still comes on in the house. But it's starting to warm up now, and should be down-right mild by the middle of the week. That is, if everything goes according to the forecast. I may even try to get out and clean up my gardening beds just a little- Though I doubt I will be doing much gardening. Still, one of my raised areas might be good for peas, since it is safely out of reach of all but the most over-enthusiastic of enthusiastic rakes!

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Confetti, Swirls, and Complications

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Confetti and Swirls. It's a sort of initiation for one of my new graphics programs, the Gimp. It's not really very good, but it does demonstrate a potential that Paint Shop Pro doesn't have. I probably will end up using some combination of the two programs for my future ventures.

Well- a friend that I mentioned a few times before has had life throw her for a loop, and she is having to take a short hiatus from school. She's not happy about it; She wants that degree badly. The silver lining in that cloud is that she and I will probably be graduating about the same time, so we probably can contrive to ride down together. She called to ask about that hiatus just in time, though: A few hours later, she was ill. I'm thinking that she was getting sick when she made that call and only afterwards did the illness grab her attention. Wish her real well, All!

Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...

Friday, March 5, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Amaryllis. I really wasn't sure what to call it at first. I also was a little surprised at the colors: Part of the bright pink is really supposed to be yellow.

I've been enjoying the birthday coincidence lately between myself and a couple of my friends. One of them celebrated hers just yesterday with a day at a spa and a nice dinner out. Also, a few members of the family called to wish her a happy birthday. The way she described it, it was a wonderful experience! I confess to just a bit of envy- But it will be my turn eventually.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

After a Short Break...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Ribbons and Vines. I used a lot of layers to create it, and while I was at it I confirmed a few guesses- so what's new, right? I do apologize for not writing for the past couple of days, but I promise that I have excuses.

Excuse 1) Schoolwork! Enough said! I finally had an inspiration this morning about one of my final papers that jolted me out of bed even though I really wanted another hour of shut-eye. No matter: I can make up for it later.
Excuse 2) Yesterday was my birthday! And yes, they keep coming, and I am now 46- a pretty good-looking 46, if I do say so myself! My wonderful husband brought home roses and chocolate, and a new book that is promising to be fascinating. So if I disappear again, that is why!

I learned this morning that the author of a blog I follow has decided to take a hiatus. I am a little sorry to hear of this, but given the intensity of his writings I can see why he needs a rest. Enjoy life, David: The blogging world isn't going away.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Verdant. As you probably can tell, I started out with a lot of green- a bright green that's nearly as good as yellow for countering grey winter days. Believe it or not, the background and pentagon start with the same basic fill.

As you remember, yesterday I thought my father was going to come down to do a bit of job hunting. Well, that didn't happen; The guy he was thinking of working for turned out to be a snake oil salesman (for lack of a better term), and one of his former employers actually called him and wanted him to come back. I'm not sure that's a good idea either; Life as a trucker is not easy. But it is a paycheck, and they did call him. So we shall see what happens.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Never a Dull Moment!

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Crescent. Like many others, I wasn't quite sure what would happen. I knew the overlay would hide the yellow completely, so I used another filter instead. I think I'll see what this looks like with a darker background and blue-white.

Today's going to be busy with a capital BUSY! Normal Monday stuff aside, my father is having to hunt for a new job and will be crashing here tonight. I'm not sure what he's going to do about dinner, but I do have one planned- sort of. I'll just have to get to it after I finish my coffee, cleaning, and correspondence.

Wish me luck, Gentle Readers! More importantly, wish HIM luck!

Until we meet...