Good Evening, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Circles and Sunlight. I forget exactly what I was thinking of when I made this; It might have been another experiment with overlays. In any case, I thought it to be a nice cheerful piece.
Another course has come and gone. This course was not easy either; Subject matter aside, the portal to the school kept crashing for several days, right when my teammates and I were trying to assemble a project. None of us were pleased. Nor was the instructor. Even before the technicians asked her to give us extra time to work because of the issues, she had told us she would give us an extra day to work. I spent a lot of nights sitting up reading and taking notes long after most sane people would have gone to bed. I think now I am just about where I should be- but next week is the beginning of another course. I honestly don't think all of those complicated formulas for calculating statistics have much to do with my ultimate goals. If anything, I think they needlessly complicate matters. But I could be wrong, so I keep trying to learn.
I did a few things outside my window that I thought were well worth cheering over. The neighbor whom my husband and I share a driveway with had had a car up on blocks for well over a year. The previous vehicle that had been on those blocks had quietly rusted away, until a tow truck had to come and remove it. But today, this vehicle came down off of its blocks, and moved up and down the road under its own power! It sounded pretty good too! So the youngest resident of the abode next to me has her own vehicle again!
We also have a new feline that seems to have included our yard as part of his territory. I heard something rustling around outside a couple of days ago and had to work to suppress a growl; A number of the neighborhood kids have displayed a remarkable lack of courtesy when it comes to anyone's homes and yards other than their own. But some of these kids are pretty smart too, and deserve a chance to learn more than the schools are willing to teach them. While I'm not really a motherly sort, I was just wondering if maybe I should try to set up something with them where we could do homework together. One of the girls- a bright young lady who unfortunately has a brother who needs his britches warmed with a switch- was quite surprised and impressed when she learned I was in college. She was very pleased to tell me how her momma helps her with her math, among other things. As for the kitty, he's not sure what to make of me. But as long as he behaves himself, he's welcome to come hunt moles and things as much as he wants.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...