Today's image is titled Fishies because it looks like a couple of fish passing each other at just that moment when the bodies are overlapped but the tails are still visible. I was going to try for a bright yellow over the orange in this picture- but I saw that wasn't going to happen with the pentagon part, so I let it go for the moment and added a couple of other elements instead.
This morning, I woke up to a storm. I'm not terribly surprised: That system I saw moving in on one of my friends in the mid-west would have had time to arrive here. I do hope my husband got the kitchen window! I had it open because of the recent tremendous heat- at least, tremendous by comparison to the winter chill. By the time I noticed anything, the thunder was right on top of us. Needless to say, I'll be keeping an eye on the sky today!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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