Today's image is titled Starburst Eye. I confess to being just a little surprised at how it turned out, and pleasantly so. Now that I have a handle on how some of these layer filters work, I have a couple of ideas in mind. These would be especially for works I've wished to try for a while.
Where did spring go? We had a couple of weeks when it was neither bitterly cold nor blistering hot, but suddenly we're seeing temperatures up around 90 Fahrenheit! Even the lows are staying around 70 or so: Almost warm enough to not want covers. Granted, the heat is supposed to be turned down a bit after tomorrow according to the forecast. I think it might even happen since the new midwest frontal system should be here by then. I'm not overly fond of storms: They place my internet connection at risk. But this seems to be a lucky one. So it is.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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