Today's image is titled Litany. Last night, a friend and I were talking about phobias; It seems that a lot of us in the family are none too fond of crowds. She showed me an item that she found in one of the Dune books, and I used it as the base for this image. You may need to blow it up some to see it properly, but it is a kind of prayer or meditation that I think would be good for dealing with irrational fears.
This subject has been covered many times before. But how many of us have lost wondrous opportunities because we were afraid of something that really would not harm us at all? If we are honest with ourselves, I'm pretty sure that all of us can think of at least one time or turn that would have lead to some great good, instead of just plain struggling to make ends meet.
There is the converse, of course; Being courageous or fearless isn't the same thing as being foolish. While risk-taking is a large part of life, there is little if any need to deliberately do stupid things that are only going to get one hurt, and that won't prove anything.
If there is a goal, though, pursue it.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers....
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