Today's image is titled Burning Heart, Green Grass. I made it a couple of days ago, but saved it in the wrong format. I got around to correcting that only yesterday so I could share it with you.
I still haven't heard from the one professor. But I'm trying not to fret too much since, after all, it isn't a discussion week. Still, we are missing that one appendix that is listed as part of our reading.
Okay, I'm fretting.
I do have some good news to balance that out. A friend who had been out of contact since an especially vicious winter storm finally wrote in. He has been living with his sister and brother-in-law for a while, and they finally got their home rewired, repaired, and remodeled. He does sound pretty good in spite of a few problems of his own. Needless to say, I'm bouncing around!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
I am rather concerned about his mild mannered reference to his legs bothering him. You just don't remodel a family room into a bedroom suite for a mere ache of the legs. *worry worry fret fret*