Today's image is titled Tumbling. As usual, it didn't quite come out as planned- But I did like the way it did come out. It reminded me of a brightly-colored spider or octopus doing cartwheels, or perhaps a tumbleweed- Thus, the name.
I don't know where the extra energy came from this morning! Yesterday morning about this time, I was quite ill- But I recovered quickly enough. I didn't even get my usual eight hours or so of sleep! I'll probably crash later, but I'll take what I can get now!
Yesterday, I had an illuminating talk with a friend over on Facebook that should provide me with plenty of material for one of my school's end-projects. I think he was quite tickled when I asked him about the museums in Brussels. Apparently, that place has them out the ears, including one that was built for a World's Fair!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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