Today's image is titled Smile. Most smileys are made from yellow- as you well know. But I made this last night while trying to create an effect of wings. It didn't exactly work as planned (so what's new?), but I did find it to be cheerful once I finished putting the eyes in.
And we're off! Yesterday, I was able to get a hold of the new syllabuses. It's a good thing I spent all the time I had with my accounting text. As it is, I will have to go back over some of my notes, but I made a good start with that. I'll also need a better look at what I need to do for homework, and at what I need to do for my end-of-term projects. One of them will be a lengthy power-point presentation. Considering how the short ones could drive me up the wall, I've no intention of waiting a full nine weeks to start on this baby- one that should be between 16 and 25 slides long. I'm not even sure if that will include the reference pages or not.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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