Today's image is titled Angle Down. This was a typo: I meant to name it Angel Down because it was another attempt at feathered wings. That didn't work, and the deformation I started to use for it unbalanced the picture so badly that I took it out again in a hurry. Still, I think I did find a way to soften the lines just a bit.
It seems that I have been issued a scholarly challenge: Last night, I was informed that a friend was only a couple of weeks ahead of me in a class I just started. The class in question was Geology. Needless to say, I took it on and spent much of the night with a text, and today will be with the assorted labs. If I can, I ought to try to get a couple of weeks ahead in accounting too. That will be harder, but not impossible considering the pages of notes I've made about that! I've even discovered that the reading isn't quite as dry as it used to be.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
Oh great...she actually TOOK my challenge! No pressure...ARGH! Just wait til tomorrow when I can get that paper written, by then the foot won't be giving me a fit and the potato I ate won't be tap dancing through my...well I found out potatoes don't agree with me at the moment. Might be the meds for the foot doing it. BUT....just you wait....I'll get so far ahead of you......*shadowboxing with a grin*