Today's image is titled Wavery. I made it last night while testing a couple of filters together; I usually don't combine anything except maybe overlay and hard light. This time, I used another pair- Including one that tends to turn colors into something quite different.
Well, I did get most of the way through that one accounting chapter. Some of it even makes sense! I still have a way to go, but I'm optimistic about being able to finish today. I still have a busy day ahead of me, though, given some of the other tasks that have suddenly arisen.
During the past couple of weeks, acorns have been falling on the house. At times, it sounds almost like hail. A few times, it hit the vent cover- which is makes a loud 'Poing' sound. A few times it had my husband jumping for the ceiling! The cats weren't pleased about having their naps interrupted either. I confess, I would like to live somewhere just a bit quieter!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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