Today's image is also a rerun of a picture I made in basic Paint, and is titled Ghost Cookie. I may remake this later on, but it is a nice virtual sweet for those of us who have to watch out for real sugar!
I got a bit of a surprise this morning; A truck with a crew of professional tree surgeons came by and started removing limbs. It really was a good idea: Some of those limbs were hanging very low, and weren't really healthy anyway. There are still a lot of clouds in the sky, but the sun is peeking through in places. If it doesn't rain, I'll try to grab a rake tomorrow. I might even do so this afternoon, if I can make the time between assignments. That may be a challenge; It won't take me long to whip up that short essay, but the longer paper is a different matter. It may not be that bad, though; Upon getting a second look at the assignment, I found that it was on stuff I had noted the living daylights out of. I'll just have to go back again and make sure I have everything properly cited.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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