Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Yes, this is far earlier than I usually awaken. Last night wasn't a good night for sleeping, both because of the heat and because of a problem I was wrestling with. Finally around 1:00 A.M. I had one of those proverbial 'Ah-ha!' moments. Then I was able to get to sleep some.
Let me guess, you're wondering what the problem was. Well, it is this; I've never assembled a Power Point presentation before, and I have one due in a couple of weeks. I was wondering how to present a convincing argument in the little space I have when it suddenly occurred to me that I was trying to put too much information in one spot. Not only was the presentation crowded, it was starting to look choppy because it was crowded- and no company head would be impressed by that. You see, I was trying to sell a theoretical service to a theoretical company. I think I finally have a good solid handle on that!
Today's image is another of my early ones. It was done largely in a basic Bitmap program I simply titled it mountain. I think I'll attempt a remake of this one in Paint Shop Pro, now that I have a better understanding of how that works.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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