Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Quartered. I started it in the basic Paint program, then finished it with Paint Shop Pro because the Paint wouldn't do some things I wanted it to do. As usual, I got a few surprises- But they were pleasant ones. I'm thinking I might take this image and attempt a few other changes with it that didn't work with some of my past pictures at all. But it was because I didn't understand the tool, not because it couldn't work.
Today promises to be busy: The paper I wanted to finish yesterday hasn't been touched, but I did get some other work done so I would have most of the day free. Then there is the Plan that I actually wrote out for meeting a number of goals. Somehow having a definite plan is very different from having a fuzzy idea or dream.
That Plan (and yes, the capitalization is being done on purpose) will involve me going back and finishing- or redoing- the writing I have already started. Then there is the purpose behind all of my studies.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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