Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is yet another experiment in the recreation of the embedded teardrop of color. It didn't quite turn out as I thought it would, but it does have a certain glow. I titled it Flame Crystal.
It has been a while since I've tried my hand at poetry. But I think today I shall.
You put me down, you cut me with your lies
You look at me with greed in your eyes
You steal what I earned, wait for me to die
But I Can Endure
"You're not good enough!" you say to me
You tie me in prison, yet I am free
You sit in your grand house out by the sea
But I can endure
For the ocean one day will wash it all clean
Fire will cleanse what is truly small and mean
And I will come with my friends and our dream
Until then...
I can endure
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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