Good morning, Gentle Readers!
And Ugh! I looked at the requirements for my school project again- and while the images I have are nice, they simply won't do what I want! Perhaps fortunately, I haven't put anything into document form yet: I've just collected a bit more of some information than I really need. I can always use it for something else, though!
Today's image is titled Sunset Tree. As you've probably noticed by now, it was one that I started in Paint and finished in Paint Shop Pro, and is another of my fantasy-style works. I'm going to want to try this again so the sunset-clouds don't look so much like an afterthought, but as it is it's not too awful.
Hmm- Maybe I can take one of my flood-fill images and superimpose a tree on it? It's something to think about at least.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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