Good morning, Gentle Readers!
And wow! I don't sleep this late often any more! It must be that for once I wasn't burning up.
Today's image is titled Lights. It took some doing, but I finally managed to get what I was looking for. Now if I can figure out how to make the colors stay clean instead of blend with unpredictable results...
What I would like to learn to do is superimpose some other image on pictures like the one presented today. I bet I would get some fantastic results! I tried that with Stripes and a silhouette, and wasn't really pleased with the results: I couldn't hide the white background with the silhouette. But that is simply a matter of practice: The tools are there if I can simply learn how to use them.
For that matter, the same philosophy can apply to other things in life: Learn to use the tools you have.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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