Good morning, Gentle Readers!
Looking at yesterday's post, I noticed that I sounded a little angry. I suppose I ought to explain that just a bit. And I should apologize to those of you who didn't earn that outrage.
The truth is, there are a lot of things that I've done without because of less-than-honorable people who demanded attention for themselves, or who went out of their way to ignore me when I tried to tell them there was a problem. Some of these people, I will never see again. I can't say I will miss them. Others are people in positions of trust or- dare I say it?- authority. Karma will deal with them soon enough, if it hasn't already.
I really do try not to be bitter about it. That becomes a lot easier when there is a course of action available to me. That there is now is actually a huge relief.
I keep telling myself that I should let the past go. Perhaps this time I will listen.
Until we meet...
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