Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Golden Winged. I still haven't really figured out how to get a bird's wings spread effect to my satisfaction, but I did like what I saw of this. I even managed to create something like a metallic gold color- quite by accident and much to my surprise. It doesn't really have a sheen to it, of course- But I can decide what to do about that later.
The Dog Days of summer seem to be over, and the leaves are turning. We are now looking at rain and even possible storms, and the temperature will be just a bit on the chilly side tonight- at least, according to my standards. I don't mind; The chill will help discourage bugs, and it is great for cuddling with those you love.
Am I ever glad I did so much of my note-taking ahead of time! As it is, I'm going to be a bit rushed with some of the things I have to do: A small essay today, and a much larger one which is due a little bit afterwards. I also have to go look at a few of the links for the geology class. While so far I've seen little in geology that I haven't before, I have been noting stuff in case I needed specific words, names, or descriptions. I may even have to break out a new legal pad somewhere in the middle of these courses. I think some of my old college professors would be pleased that I have been taking so many notes, though.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...