Today's image is Green Light 2. I numbered it to differentiate it from the first image of that name. For those of you who have not seen it yet, I will present the first Green Light image tomorrow.
It's a very strange feeling, knowing that I have completed the first course of my Bachelor's program with a reasonable amount of success. I might even say impressive success, considering the reaction of my academic advisers. I say advisers for two reasons; One is that I've had several since I first started attending the University of Phoenix. The other is that apparently I am being transitioned to a new team, since I am no longer studying for my Associate's degree. I will be relieved when this is over; It will mean that I no longer have to wrangle for the financial aid I really should have had all along.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
I was less than thrilled when I got shifted through several advisory teams. Dang it..just let me stay with the ones that were there with me at the beginning! They know me, they understand what I'm going through and I feel they were family. I don't know these strangers! ARGH!