Today's image is titled Tree And Heart. I made this the same time I made the previous heart image, and for the same reason. Of the two, I like this one better. I may try for yet another in the series later.
I got a look at my new course yesterday. I have only one word: Eep! I'm going to have to do a lot of reading and noting before I can even think of answering the questions, as well as listening to material that I can only access via the student web site. One good thing came out of this: I figured out how to finish setting up my student e-mail account. It may seem a simple thing at first, but I was not easy about some of the hoops I had to jump through before. The only reason I finished is because the instructor insisted, and she seems to be a stickler for detail.
I don't blame her altogether; From the tone of some of her postings, she has had students in the past who have no idea how to write, though they can text until the cows come home. Too, I have seen students in a few of my other classes whom I am surprised got in; The errors in some of the writings they presented I would have been ashamed of in fifth grade. I didn't say anything to them about it; It wasn't my place, and after all, they were trying to learn and were probably berating themselves for not learning before. I wish them luck.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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