Today's image is a rerun of one you saw about six months ago titled Time On My Hands. For those who have not already done so, it is a reminder to reset your clocks.
The cats, at least, are pleased with this time change; It means they will have to wait an hour less to get their meals! The female in especial needs to lose weight, but I do feel sorry for them having to be put on diets like they have been.
Talk about a busy morning! I spent it moving stuff around and giving the place a spring cleaning. By the time I decided that enough was enough, I was quite tuckered out. I did have an idea, though, for an exercise program for the people who consider themselves too busy to work out and who don't have the money to spring for one of the multitude of exercise machines advertised on television. Indeed, while those machines are nice, they aren't really necessary; One can get quite a workout by climbing ladders and stretching and lifting to wipe down dust and cobwebs, I even cleared off the top of a few surfaces that haven't been touched in some time. All that cleaning must have worked; I'm not sneezing as much as usual.
Things that make one go hmm...
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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