Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
I've titled today's image Amethyst. While I wasn't absolutely certain how it would turn out, I must say I am quite pleased.
I've no further news on my grandmother this morning, so I am assuming she is stable at the least. To all of you who sent energy her way, a great big THANK YOU!
I just ran into a glitch with my college courses. Hopefully I'll have them ironed out before too long. I could swear I had turned in one particular assignment- but either it got lost in cyberspace, or I was thinking of a similar assignment elsewhere. Needless to say, I didn't get to sleep until quite late last night. I'll be up late again I think fighting with another assignment that's giving me the willies- But that's what Inner Valkyries are for!
Wish me luck!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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