Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Sailing Under Sirius' Light. It really has nothing to do with today's subject, but it is a change from the blue and white I've been trying to work with recently.
Today I will present to you words of wisdom from a feline companion of the past.
Despite the name, Sheba was actually a tom cat. He was the runt of his litter, and he was such a beautiful kitten that my mother said there was no way he could be a male. Sheba forgave us that error, and romped through our lives until it was his time.
He did have a kind of philosophy of life that we all could benefit from.
1) Don't try to scamper and sneak through life even if you aren't as big as the critters around you: March with your head held high. The bigger critters won't know what to make of it and will stay out of your way.
2) If perhaps you should run head-first into an obstacle, pick yourself up and dust yourself off, and carry on. You can keep on moving, but the obstacle is stuck where it is.
3) If you should perchance get in a fight with a skunk, forgive your people when they wash you with tomato juice. It's no fun for them either.
4) String beans are good! Make sure you eat some whenever you can!
5) When your people are cleaning the rest of your home, help them out by sweeping around your eating area. Paws work just as well as brooms, and they will appreciate it.
Sheba also made sure we had fresh mice and things to eat, and he was something of an escape artist. The latter could be a bit problematical since we lived in a second-story apartment, but c'est la vie!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers.
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