Thursday, March 4, 2010

After a Short Break...

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Ribbons and Vines. I used a lot of layers to create it, and while I was at it I confirmed a few guesses- so what's new, right? I do apologize for not writing for the past couple of days, but I promise that I have excuses.

Excuse 1) Schoolwork! Enough said! I finally had an inspiration this morning about one of my final papers that jolted me out of bed even though I really wanted another hour of shut-eye. No matter: I can make up for it later.
Excuse 2) Yesterday was my birthday! And yes, they keep coming, and I am now 46- a pretty good-looking 46, if I do say so myself! My wonderful husband brought home roses and chocolate, and a new book that is promising to be fascinating. So if I disappear again, that is why!

I learned this morning that the author of a blog I follow has decided to take a hiatus. I am a little sorry to hear of this, but given the intensity of his writings I can see why he needs a rest. Enjoy life, David: The blogging world isn't going away.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...

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