Today's image is titled Fire In The Sky. I was wanting to do a little something different with overlays- but as usual, didn't quite get what I wanted. Still, I did get this and saved it for your perusal.
Last night I made darned good and well sure I got an assignment done and turned in! So there! But I still have a lot to do- and this one-sided headache I've been fighting the past couple of days isn't helping. Something's wrong when the first thing I have to do in the morning is pop a couple of aspirin. I do have my suspicions, though: The last time my husband brought home laundry detergent, it was a brand with more scent in it than is usual. I'll have to ask him to get something different, and in the meanwhile see what I can do about airing out the house. I suppose you're wondering why I suspect that. Well, the last time I had one of these tenacious untraceable headaches was the last time I visited my parents in their previous residence- which had a huge problem with red clay dust. I'm thinking that a similar principle can be applied here.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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