Today's image is titled Neon, and I think you can see why. For once, the picture did come out somewhat as planned- Though not exactly. I've come to the conclusion that Paint Shop Pro simply can't do it, unless it has a few more undiscovered quirks.
Now on to explain the title of today's post...
This is the 300th post I've made here. I've rambled about school, cats, weather, philosophy, potential green living, and other subjects. I've talked about writing, friends, and family. I've even given a few tips that I hope have made life easier for someone. And now that it is starting to get warm again (the daffodils are blooming), it may be time for me to dust off my warm-weather survival strategies. Until then, I will simply enjoy not having the heat come on every time I turn around.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
I LOVE that graphic!!! My first reaction was an enthusiastic "COOL!" Bet it would sell well!