Today's image is titled Rotation. As you can see, I was working a bit more with the stained-glass effects when I made this. I thought it was soothing, so it now has a permanent home in my collection.
And boy do I need soothing! Last night I heard a little item about one of the college professors that STILL has me furious! Don't get me wrong: Most of the instructors are fine people. But my friend who needed the hiatus is now being threatened with an F, thanks to this one- person. All because she is still trying to study some even during her down time. Usually I'm the one that's trying to calm my friend down from panics, but that's not going to happen this time!
That's enough ranting for now; I think I'll just go get another cup of coffee, and put that energy into something else. There is no need to waste it, after all.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Yeah well I'm still a bit put out about that. But between you, alaskan Cousin Wendy, my older sister, and my Great Aunt back in NJ....I'm much calmer and have a plan of action. Tomorrow I call the advisors AGAIN and make sure they understand they WILL fix this or else.