Sunday, May 31, 2009
Another View
Good Evening, Gentle Readers!
And welcome to yet another sample of Accidental Art! I honestly didn't know what would happen when I started this image and had forgotten about a tool I had started to use with another attempted picture. But this has shown me a few things that could happen, so I saved this as a sample of what could happen if I don't spend too much time planning.
Sometimes a little planning can save a lot of trouble. But sometimes we- and I am including me too- get too caught up in planning and thinking of what could go wrong, and so we end up losing time that could otherwise be spent accomplishing things.
To borrow a line from a certain naval hero: "Damn The Torpedoes! Full Steam Ahead!"
Until we next meet, Gentle Readers...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
"The Analyst in Every Woman"
Good evening, Gentle Readers!
As you know, I normally don't put up two installments in one day. And I normally don't forward things from other sources. But just a little while ago, a lady I know of great wisdom sent me an item that I think warrants sharing. I hope you enjoy it!
Before I go outside to clean out part of the gutters, I wanted to pass this inspiring nugget along to you. Just started reading "In Praise Of The Crone" by Dorothy Morrison...and I already want to meet the lady! Here is what she says about The Analyst in every woman.
"The Analyst is your worst enemy, and She makes up the whole societal thinking. She tells you you're not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough to make it in this world. She stills your tongue when you know you should speak up. She keeps you from reaching your potential by talking you into settling for something less than you deserve. She discounts your ideas as foolishness and squelches your creative force. Her job it to make you feel completely worthless, and she relishes her work."
You know what? I'm firing my Analyst!!!
As you know, I normally don't put up two installments in one day. And I normally don't forward things from other sources. But just a little while ago, a lady I know of great wisdom sent me an item that I think warrants sharing. I hope you enjoy it!
Before I go outside to clean out part of the gutters, I wanted to pass this inspiring nugget along to you. Just started reading "In Praise Of The Crone" by Dorothy Morrison...and I already want to meet the lady! Here is what she says about The Analyst in every woman.
"The Analyst is your worst enemy, and She makes up the whole societal thinking. She tells you you're not good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough to make it in this world. She stills your tongue when you know you should speak up. She keeps you from reaching your potential by talking you into settling for something less than you deserve. She discounts your ideas as foolishness and squelches your creative force. Her job it to make you feel completely worthless, and she relishes her work."
You know what? I'm firing my Analyst!!!
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
Yesterday was- To put it mildly- Interesting. My husband and I finally got me enrolled. I didn't know there was so much stuff involved with enrolling and making arrangements for payments! Perhaps there wasn't the last time I attended college. It is a very different experience when you look at this as the adult rather than the kid fresh out of high school. The kid from high school hasn't faced the 'real world' yet, but the adult has.
Despite the fact that today's image is considerably less abstract than most of my pictures, it is actually more symbolic. I titled it Pond and Rose Tree, while thinking about how the perfumes tend to be sweetest at night- when most are asleep. I've seen my share of the darker side of human nature, but maybe because of that I'm ready for what will come now in a way I couldn't have been otherwise.
I suppose the viewpoint is a bit narcissistic- but then, aren't we all just a little?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers! This especial image was an attempt to more or less recreate Gemlight only with various shades of green instead of the reds and blues I usually favor. As usual, it didn't come out quite as planned. But it has given me a few ideas.
It is Friday again, and my husband is home to recover from his work week. I don't know that we will get any of the things done that we planned to do: We had a few storms yesterday, including one that blinked the power. And the sky is starting to turn cloudy again. But we have time to do and to think- and sometimes that is enough.
Sometimes it isn't: Thoughts can be marvelous things, but they're like spinning your wheels if no action comes of it. If you really think about it, every single invention we have- including the computer you are using to view this post- is the result of a thought given actual physical form, While we sometimes should be cautious about what we do, it is a certain amount of bold courage is needed to actually become great.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
Today I present yet another image, and a piece of poetry to go with it.
Blue is the color of the sky
Watching the world as it passes by
Yellow is the color of the sun
Watching the world while work is done
Pink is the color of a rose
Or of a girl's dress that flutters as she goes
Red is the color of blood
Or embers of fire that show what is good
See the colors all shining bright
Against the dark blue that heralds the night.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
This is the image I was originally intending to post yesterday. The technique is loosely based on something I learned in a class many years ago, about how to use lines to create an illusion of waves. It didn't exactly turn out as planned (so what's new?), but I saved it for your viewing pleasure.
It is the day after Memorial Day. A number of my neighbors spent yesterday actually engaged in carpentry. In a way, the sound of a hammer pounding can be soothing: It means something is being built. Right now, someone a little further away is trying to finish some yard work and beat the muggy heat that will be returning. It's not cool by any stretch of the imagination- But it's cooler than it was yesterday.
Right now, there is another small project I am thinking of. When my last coffee maker gave up the ghost, I saved the carafe from it thinking that it would make a nice little planter or terrarium. So now I want to figure out a way to decorate it that won't overwhelm the plants that I hope will be in there one day!
Stay well, Gentle Readers. And enjoy the season, whatever it might be!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
I was going to present another image today. But in light of the holiday- Memorial Day- I thought this one would be more apt. I titled it Bombs Bursting In Air.
Many people, I know, like to celebrate Memorial Day with picnics and cook-outs, and occasionally even fireworks. But it is a somber occasion too, when we remember those who did not get to see their children grow up- Or to even have children of their own.
My grandfather was a veteran of World War 2. He died a couple of years ago after a lingering illness. But it was with his family around him. One of the things he feared most- though he never actually said so to me- was that he would be alone when that time came. It is a comfort that that was not so.
Those who died would not wish us to stand still in time: That was not why they fought. But sometimes it is good to think, and remember, so that we will not squander what we now have.
Happy Memorial Day, Gentle Readers. And a salute to our warriors.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Summer in the City
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
In honor of this early taste of summer some of us are experiencing, I present the image of the day, and a song by The Lovin' Spoonfuls, for those of us who are familiar with the music of that time: Summer in the City!
Right now it does look like it's going to rain- But until it does, I'm not going to bet on it actually cooling off.
So far, I haven't actually spoken of anything serious. But today I will present survival tips for the heat.
1) Wear loose clothing so your own body heat won't be trapped against you.
2) Drink plenty of liquids, especially water. I've found teas to be very effective too. Dehydration can make one quite ill, and has been a major cause of death during heat waves.
3) Take cooling showers.
4) When you're drinking cold things, hold the glass against a pulse in your wrist: Your blood passes close to the surface there and will be cooled enough to cool off the rest of your body.
5) If it really gets hot, soak hand towels and freeze them, and wear them wrapped around your head and neck. It looks funny I know, but it will keep your comfortable. I did this a lot before my husband and I got an air conditioner.
Stay safe and well, Gentle Readers!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Weird Weather
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today I present yet another of my pieces of 'accidental art'. Because of the way it actually got twisted while I was testing a number of distortions, I actually titled it Skewed. But I may choose another name for it eventually.
Today I will talk about the weather. I know sometimes it can be boring- But it hasn't been lately! For instance, Australia is experiencing both flash floods and droughts. One wouldn't think that the two would happen together, but it has. California is in a similar position, with storms and wildfires.
Where I live has been somewhat tamer. But lately I've been seeing cold temperatures one day and blistering hot the next. Thus you won't see me putting up any seasonal clothing because Mother Nature can't seem to decide what season it is! Poor Lady...
So as much as I would like to, I don't think I'll be gardening extensively this year. At least I have a nice comfortable home to sit in. The plants would be stuck where I put them.
C'est la vie!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Solstice Dance by its creator- You guessed it, Ron Venable.
It has been a while since weekends have meant anything special to me, since I left the work place to take care of the home. But this Friday feels special somehow, full of possibilities.
Perhaps going back to school has something to do with it, and the things that I will be able to accomplish once I have that degree. When I was younger, going to school was something I did because my parents wanted me to. Though I did enjoy learning, when I wasn't having to deal with people who really wanted to be stupid and have me stay stupid with them. I can pity them now, but back then I just wanted to be left alone. However, that is still water under the bridge.
This time is mine. Call me just a bit selfish, but I intend to take it, and make a future with it.
It will be good. I have said so.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Morning Comics
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
Right now, I'm in a bit of a dilemma: I can't get my morning comics! Admittedly, this is really only a small annoyance. But laughter is, after all, the best medicine. And the site I normally go to for comics is acting up!
Fortunately, there are alternatives. But I will miss some of the strips that I normally read in the mornings. Hopefully they will be fixed soon.
So hold onto your hats, Gentle Readers!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
And I do mean just that. I am expecting a call very soon from a college where I hope to be able to go back to school on-line. That is, of course, dependent on if I can get financial aid for it. I hope so! The counselor and I traded a few e-mails last night, and he sounded optimistic about it.
Why do I want to go back to school, you might ask? Well- The truth is that the old technology we have won't carry us forever. It can't, between terrorists being in control of many of the world's oil resources, and the said oil causing a number of problems in any case. So I intend to learn what I can about Green Technology. Our survival depends on it.
Today's image is courtesy of Ron Venable. If you have been following my blog for very long, you would have seen another example of his fractal art. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is of a graduation cap in a spotlight. That leads to the subject of today's post: Continuing education.
There are a number of people who want certain jobs but are afraid to get them because there are so many years of continuing education involved. The fact is that the next ten years or so will pass no matter what- So you might as well make yourself happy by working toward a goal instead of miserable by digging yourself into a rut.
Take for instance a cousin of mine (who has been very supportive of my ramblings!). This lady has been a widow for three years now. She is a vet- But has received a lot of raw deals from people who were supposed to help her when she had to take disability. She finally made up her mind that there was a degree she wanted, and she was going to get it no matter what. She has worked on it during storm warnings and power outages, between taking care of a little dog that she adopted not so long ago- And just in time, according to the veterinarian who saw him afterwards. And she has made some impressive grades. She is not a young woman. But she fully intends to live until she dies and not a moment less.
The above anecdote really is just to illustrate how age is no barrier to learning.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is really just the result of a bit of silliness I enjoyed with a friend who is a member of the Purple Hat Society.
From what she said, this is a group of ladies who absolutely believe that life is to be enjoyed to the fullest. They every once in a while don their finest clothes and go out to indulge in desserts and chocolates, and other things that some of us more timid people might avoid in our quest to live longer.
I applaud those who actually live long lives- But sometimes I wonder if there aren't people out there who are making themselves miserable in their quest for more time to exist.
We were given senses for a reason- So use them! Smell those roses, pet that soft fluffy kitten, listen to the music and enjoy that food that you've been longing to try. And create memories.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
I admit, I'm not Michelangelo by any stretch of the imagination. But today's image is a perfect indication of what I need plenty of today! Ah, the wonders of the coffee cup...
It has been grey and rainy out, and while it was steamy last night it's starting to cool down now- Perfect sleeping weather. The trouble is that I can sleep only so long before I start getting a little too groggy to be much use to anyone, especially me.
The fig tree and blueberry bushes seem pleased with the development, at least. The tree is greening up and I'm sure busily putting out new roots. And the bushes are making new leaves as fast as they can. I hope this heralds future crops that I can make goodies with! Once I made some blueberry-chocolate chip cookies that were absolutely delicious. And while figs are naturally very sweet, I do have a few ideas I want to try with them. It helps to have the fruit first, though.
You may remember that I mentioned enjoying baking and making new things. The last few years, I've also been trying my hand at gardening. I still have a few bugs I need to work out- Some of them literal. But I think I've found something I can actually do with it.
Stay warm and dry, Gentle Readers! And if you can't, think of the good things the rains will eventually bring.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Things that make one go Hmm...
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
You know- I have no idea what happened to yesterday's post. I made one, but it isn't showing now!
It is enough to make me wonder if someone didn't take a hint from this feline in today's post.
That being said, I did have to shut down in a hurry yesterday when a rather unpleasant storm cell moved in. Fortunately nothing more came of it, but when your internet is your window to the world, the thought of losing it can be a bit scary.
Change can be good. And storms can be lovely things to watch, if you like lightning. But it is best to not get struck too!
That will be all for now, Gentle Readers. Stay safe!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is yet another one that didn't come out quite as planned. But it doesn't seem to have hurt it any, and has nudged my noggin with a few ideas. It is also one that I started with a basic Paint program, then finished up with Paint Shop Pro. Ah, the combinations one can come up with!
You may remember how I said a few days ago that perfection isn't really always perfect. It's true: Technically, the variations we so enjoy in our plants and animal companions are the results of imperfections. A critter that did absolutely nothing but sit around all day long making sure that not a single bit of fur ever got out of place would be pretty dull. And a world that was utterly predictable and always perfect would be even worse.
I admit to being a bit of a creature of habit: It's one of my defenses. But after a long time, I am beginning to learn the value of surprises, variety, and change. That doesn't mean all change is desirable: I tend to roll my eyes at people who try to fix things that aren't broken, especially without first understanding what they're trying to fix. But sometimes the change that is undesirable today becomes needful in the future.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Good afternoon, all! Please excuse the lateness of this post: The maintenance on Blogspot seems to have taken longer than was planned.
I'm sure that many of you remember the children's rhyme, "Rain, rain, go away! Come again some other day!" I begin to sympathize: Last week, we had rain and storms over half the days. And it looks like we are about to get yet another day or two of rain and storm! This one might be lucky: Some plants I had asked for finally arrived and I got them in the ground. So a gentle soaking rain would be exactly what they need. I think I've had enough of the drama of thunder and lightning for a while.
There is no image for today's post, but there will be one tomorrow, depending on the direction my meanderings take me.
I'm sure that many of you remember the children's rhyme, "Rain, rain, go away! Come again some other day!" I begin to sympathize: Last week, we had rain and storms over half the days. And it looks like we are about to get yet another day or two of rain and storm! This one might be lucky: Some plants I had asked for finally arrived and I got them in the ground. So a gentle soaking rain would be exactly what they need. I think I've had enough of the drama of thunder and lightning for a while.
There is no image for today's post, but there will be one tomorrow, depending on the direction my meanderings take me.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is an example of what I call 'accidental art'. I was trying for something quite different than what I actually got. But I liked it so much that I saved it, and shared it with a friend who happens to enjoy unusual things. I titled it Gemlight, and intend to see if I can create this effect again with other color choices.
It's not the first time I came up with an unplanned effect: Some time ago I made another picture and I wasn't pleased with some if the effects I saw with the sky. I tried to erase some of the excess, and ended up erasing part of the sky too. So I tried to use Flood Fill to fix it- Only the new sky color was just a little bit different from the old. The effect was fantastic!
So remember, perfection isn't always perfect!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Feline Poetry
Grey fur, white fur, green eyes
Not for you, the rainy skies
A soft warm blanket is your bed
A soft green carpet on which to tread.
Yet those eyes shine in the night
Their fire setting fears to flight
And the fur hides mighty claws
To defend your chosen cause.
I know not of such things,
When in my ear your soft purr sings
A whisper now of peace in dreams,
Though others shout of other things.
Whenever storms may now arise,
Grey fur, white fur, green eyes.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Good morning!
Today's image isn't showing exactly as I drew it or conceived it- But it is the one that I actually intended to display yesterday.
That leads to today's subject: The Quirks of Computers!
When I saved the image, it didn't go where I normally would have put it. Nor did it go anywhere near where I put it. So I had to search for it (all hail the search tool!). And when I found it and tried to move it, the program kept freezing. I finally managed to put it where I wanted it so I could share it with you.
That's not the only quirky thing about computers, of course. A number of times, text documents even have tried to misplace themselves. And then there are the machines that absolutely refuse to use certain programs even though they technically should be able to. And others, like my husband's truly ancient Pentium 1, that just keep chugging right on along. My husband and I never cease to be amazed at the people who complain about their machines being 'old', even though the said machines are at least two generations newer than what we use, or have used.
I suppose that's why the machines stick out their figurative tongues at some of the youngsters!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Good Morning, all!
What a night last night: Just a little bit before 9, the power went out thanks to the storm that moved in. By about 12:30, the I could see the power company people trying to find the problem and fix it. They replaced one transformer and restored power to the line when BAM! Out went the transformer in front of my place- Again! It lit up the entire neighborhood and freaked out the cats until this morning. Bless their hearts, those guys worked out in the storm and dark until about 2:30 replacing our transformer with a new model. This one seems to have better insulators on it, so hopefully it will last longer.
I have a friend, Ron Venable, who creates fractal art. The image you see is one of his pieces that he titled Light Up The Sky. I thought it appropriate, considering what had happened last night.
May your power never go Boom! And if it does, may heroes be there to save the day!
What a night last night: Just a little bit before 9, the power went out thanks to the storm that moved in. By about 12:30, the I could see the power company people trying to find the problem and fix it. They replaced one transformer and restored power to the line when BAM! Out went the transformer in front of my place- Again! It lit up the entire neighborhood and freaked out the cats until this morning. Bless their hearts, those guys worked out in the storm and dark until about 2:30 replacing our transformer with a new model. This one seems to have better insulators on it, so hopefully it will last longer.
I have a friend, Ron Venable, who creates fractal art. The image you see is one of his pieces that he titled Light Up The Sky. I thought it appropriate, considering what had happened last night.
May your power never go Boom! And if it does, may heroes be there to save the day!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I'm largely a cat person. I admit it: I've got one right now, a big 15 pound boy, who literally thinks I'm his momma. It's hard to type when this great big cat is trying to sit in your lap and make you pet him. And it's hard to resist that face and those paws.
But I have a soft spot for canines too, as the picture shows. And this was just too cute to not share!
Our animal friends have a lot to teach us about love and loyalty. Just about everyone has a tale of some hero critter, or some unusual friendship between animals- including a few that are traditionally thought of as natural enemies.
For instance, there is one tale I've heard about a cat and a squirrel who would play tag. Later on, the kitty's people moved away. The cat kept looking out at the porch for his squirrel friend. About a year later, his people went back to the old house to have a look around- And there was the squirrel, looking for the cat.
In my family, there were always cats and dogs living in the house together. And the cats would quite literally train the dogs, including making them quiet down if they got too rambunctious. The pups would be quite bewildered, but they always knew they were loved.
The human species could do far worse than to follow an example like that.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Good morning, All! Or perhaps I should say afternoon, since it will technically be that in a couple of minutes.
Last night, I mentioned that I like creating things. I suppose I ought to go into a bit more detail.
I've spent a lot of time sewing and crocheting. In the kitchen, I've created many a recipe that would stretch my groceries and actually not taste like leftovers- though that's exactly what many of them are made from. I presently am also working on collecting recipes for a cookbook, which I hope to eventually publish, along with a number of friends who have chosen to share their family treasures. I also draw, and have been experimenting with various graphics programs. I've even got a few pictures I've started with one program, then added to it with another. The results can be very unusual.
Most of all, I write. And I have a goal of having something ready to publish by the end of the year. I even think I might be able to do it.
May your world never be mundane, my friends.
Last night, I mentioned that I like creating things. I suppose I ought to go into a bit more detail.
I've spent a lot of time sewing and crocheting. In the kitchen, I've created many a recipe that would stretch my groceries and actually not taste like leftovers- though that's exactly what many of them are made from. I presently am also working on collecting recipes for a cookbook, which I hope to eventually publish, along with a number of friends who have chosen to share their family treasures. I also draw, and have been experimenting with various graphics programs. I've even got a few pictures I've started with one program, then added to it with another. The results can be very unusual.
Most of all, I write. And I have a goal of having something ready to publish by the end of the year. I even think I might be able to do it.
May your world never be mundane, my friends.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Meanderings from the Mind of a Tigger
Welcome to the lair of the Tigger, my friends! If you watch me long enough, you may find that my mind does tend to indeed bounce around like the creature I call myself after. So bear with me, and enjoy the ride!
I've been extremely fortunate in the past few years in the friends- and unexpected family- that I have found who would encourage my writings. What do I write, you might ask? Well- I tend to do a really strange hodge-podge of fantasy, modern fantasy, science fiction, and even just a smidgen of cyber punk. The last is a relatively new development- but after I created the character for a cooperative writing group I am with, I decided I would see what I could do with her.
Another character creation is actually rather theraputic: His main challenge is in communicating itself, since he has no voice. And I have had a lot of difficulty in the past getting people to actually hear what I was trying to say. There are still a few things I am very angry over because the people I was trying to talk to got some notion stuck in their heads and WOULDN'T pay attention even to what I actually wrote down. It gets frustrating at times.
That's enough of that: Ranting this late at night does absolutely nothing except make sleep difficult.
Sweet dreams when you seek them, Gentle Readers.
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