Good morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Solstice Dance by its creator- You guessed it, Ron Venable.
It has been a while since weekends have meant anything special to me, since I left the work place to take care of the home. But this Friday feels special somehow, full of possibilities.
Perhaps going back to school has something to do with it, and the things that I will be able to accomplish once I have that degree. When I was younger, going to school was something I did because my parents wanted me to. Though I did enjoy learning, when I wasn't having to deal with people who really wanted to be stupid and have me stay stupid with them. I can pity them now, but back then I just wanted to be left alone. However, that is still water under the bridge.
This time is mine. Call me just a bit selfish, but I intend to take it, and make a future with it.
It will be good. I have said so.
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