Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
I was going to present another image today. But in light of the holiday- Memorial Day- I thought this one would be more apt. I titled it Bombs Bursting In Air.
Many people, I know, like to celebrate Memorial Day with picnics and cook-outs, and occasionally even fireworks. But it is a somber occasion too, when we remember those who did not get to see their children grow up- Or to even have children of their own.
My grandfather was a veteran of World War 2. He died a couple of years ago after a lingering illness. But it was with his family around him. One of the things he feared most- though he never actually said so to me- was that he would be alone when that time came. It is a comfort that that was not so.
Those who died would not wish us to stand still in time: That was not why they fought. But sometimes it is good to think, and remember, so that we will not squander what we now have.
Happy Memorial Day, Gentle Readers. And a salute to our warriors.
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