Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good morning, Gentle Readers!

And I do mean just that. I am expecting a call very soon from a college where I hope to be able to go back to school on-line. That is, of course, dependent on if I can get financial aid for it. I hope so! The counselor and I traded a few e-mails last night, and he sounded optimistic about it.

Why do I want to go back to school, you might ask? Well- The truth is that the old technology we have won't carry us forever. It can't, between terrorists being in control of many of the world's oil resources, and the said oil causing a number of problems in any case. So I intend to learn what I can about Green Technology. Our survival depends on it.

Today's image is courtesy of Ron Venable. If you have been following my blog for very long, you would have seen another example of his fractal art. Enjoy!

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