Today's image is titled Egg. I must say I am a great deal more pleased with this one than I am with most of my past images where I tried for a framed kind of effect. Besides, I think I've finally figured out the retouch tool, at least enough that I can use it without mussing up the rest of the picture.
I've one more paper to actually do this week for school. It's time to break out the yellow pad again, I think: I have to talk about Amazon.com as a business, and I don't naturally think like that. The experience, at least, will be good for me: If I want to run a business or two, I'll have to think of businesses as that, not just as enjoyable hobbies.
After I get done with this week of work for the college, I need to make a good head start on next week: I've found the workshops can be as demanding as full courses for the time they are running, and this especial workshop is going to be a real bear. APA formatting, yuck!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
I SWORE no more workshops for me, at least not while I have the main course classes to take. My gods it's amazing my head didn't start spinning, what with all the extra work it heaped on me!