Today's image is titled Green Vision. I forgot to add the overlay filter while I was making this, so it doesn't really look quite like what I had planned. What's new about that, after all? But I do now have an idea of how it will look when I do this right.
Sunday- and I just have next week's work to look forward to. It's amazing how quickly time can fly, however long it looks at the beginning! I'm already in the fifth week of my fourth block of classes. Each block lasts about nine weeks, or ten if time is added for holidays. After I get done with my school studies, I hope I can do something with it quickly.
I took another look at the College Prowler item. It doesn't really demand anything unreasonable- but I have to ask, how am I supposed to conduct surveys of my online schoolmates? I suppose I'll just have to think of something, as always. Now that I think of it, it will be good practice for some of my future assignments.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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