Today's image is titled Spring Forest's Ghost. This is an image I attempted to make using transparency rather than overlay. I didn't quite get what I wanted at the time, but considering the snow many of us have had recently I thought it appropriate.
I spent much of last night doing research involving relations with American Indians in the past. I confess, what I found really made then-president Andrew Jackson really look like a piece of dirt. And for once, President Nixon got to be something of a hero, whatever mistakes he made later. The Cherokee went to court to enforce a treaty that was supposed to preserve their lands in the east, and they won. But Jackson wanted the land and sent the army to forcibly remove people who, after all, had sought peace. And Nixon was the one who decided to let the Indians start taking over administering Indian Affairs, instead of leaving it to appointees.
Talk about a curious reversal of roles!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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