Today's image is titled Dancing Again. Like many of my other works, this didn't come out quite as planned. I intended it for a friend who has had some extensive difficulties of late through no fault of her own: She sure could use a personal cheering squad right about now! If you want to know more, take a look here:
Last night as I was attending to some school work, I stumbled across a familiar assignment. This assignment, though, was familiar because a few weeks ago I had helped with a similar one for another college student! Talk about coincidence!
Or maybe not: My friend says everything happens for a reason, and I believe it- even if the reason isn't always what I want. But then, life would get pretty boring in a hurry if I got everything I wanted when I want it. That's something a lot of kids lately can't seem to grasp. I can feel sorry for them now.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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