Today's image is titled Viewpoint. It's one of my newer ventures with overlay layers as opposed to transparency-altered ones. I debated whether or not to add that hint of a glow where the two lines crossed, but decided to do it and see if I liked it. As you can see, I did!
We have yet MORE snow falling this morning. Fortunately, it only seems to be a light dusting instead of a full-fledged storm: I haven't noticed anyone with a snowplow clearing the roads down by where I live this time. The only road clearing I've seen was done by Mother Nature herself.
I do have a question for my readers: How does one audit a man who has been dead three years? Apparently Missouri's Department of Collections thinks they can, even though they had to have seen the death certificates. Right now, his widow is madder than a barrel full of wet wildcats, and I don't blame her! It seems to me that officialdom has found yet another way to waste taxpayer time and money. In this case, though, it might be worth my while to set up a ticket and condiment stand to watch the fight!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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