Today's image is titled Green Flame. Ever since I made the image I titled Tear In The Sun, I've been trying to figure out how I did it. I think I finally have, though this isn't exactly it. I think one last test will nail it, though. If you're curious about the Tear In The Sun image, check in the early days of my blog.
Guess what: We have yet More Snow falling! My poor husband is going to be pulling out his hair for certain. I confess, I laughed when I looked out the window and saw snowflakes. Fortunately most of the old snow and ice had melted off. That will limit the problems that tend to happen with a layer of snow hiding ice patches.
Speaking of pulling hair out, I'm doing the same over a homework assignment. I'm supposed to write an essay about an ethnic group I'm a part of or want to learn more about- A long one. I think I would do well to crack open a few books I bought some time ago and do some serious reading before I set keyboard to document, so to speak. I also need to go back to the census site for more information- though most of what I want is pretty solidly buried. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to dig.
Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!
Until we meet....
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