Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
And goodness! I was just checking in this morning, and was surprised to find that I've actually been presenting my ramblings for nearly two months! It's not exactly an anniversary, but I think it is worthy of a small celebration. So here is a chocolate cake I made for one of my on-line buddies rather early in my art career.
So far, I've chattered about heat survival tips, my cats, the trials and tribulations a number of my friends have undergone- and still are undergoing, and various small bits of philosophy.
Today seems to be a day for yet more philosophy. So with a bit of borrowed inspiration from a fellow blogger (Thanks, David!), I will attempt to present something worthy of your attention.
It's so incredibly easy to get caught up either in the bad news from the middle east (another day, another suicide bomber), or the tinsel-town trash (National Enquirer, anyone?). But the fact is, I have absolutely no interest in hearing about who's married to who while sleeping with someone else. And I absolutely resent it when some tom fool- or group thereof- tries to shovel it down my throat. Sure, I don't mind hearing about some famous performer using his fame to do good things. I love hearing that part! But one doesn't have to be famous in order to set wrongs right in the world.
Sometimes all it takes is a kind word or deed. And if the person you attempt to aid seems not to want it- well, you tried even if someone else didn't. And while it will hurt for a while, at least it won't be on your conscience. That is when you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and be on your way.
Wouldn't we all be much happier if we could present good news instead of all the bad stuff that seems to be the usual fare? I personally think so. I propose an experiment: That all of us who read this actually go out and create good news to report. We might see fewer instances of crime and depression afterwards. And if nothing else, it will be better for us.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers.