Friday, June 5, 2009

Cats are smart!

Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!

This is another day for extra posts, it seems. It may not be actually important in the grand view of world affairs, but you might still find it amusing.

Earlier, I mentioned that there were cats in the household: A female named Egraine, and her brother Galahad. Now, both of these cats are amazingly healthy- may they continue to be so for a long time! But they, especially Egraine, do have a weight problem. So at the order of the vet, they've been put on a diet.

They have figured out that when they stop eating, the food bowls are taken up. Well, Galahad saw my husband going to do just that, let out a loud 'murr', and ran to start eating again! Needless to say, the bowls didn't come up quite then. But we have enjoyed a few giggles at the deductive reasoning of the Cat.

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