Good morning, Gentle Readers! Or perhaps I should say afternoon, since technically it is.
And here's looking at you! I titled this little piece Boo- and as you probably can tell, I made it with the basic paint program. I may try a variation of it with Paint Shop Pro some time, but meanwhile this little guy brightens my folders.
And today is yet another day of sticky heat where I am. Fortunately it's not as bad as it has been at times, but it's uncomfortable enough. And as many of you know, sticky heat can really play havoc with one's appetite.
Fortunately, there are recipes out there that can be enjoyed without making one feel heavy or uncomfortable. Here is one that I have enjoyed at times. Keep in mind that few if any of the measurements are really precise.
Pistachio pudding (May be obtained at most grocery stores)
Whipped cream- Whipping cream may be used as well.
Pineapple chunks- preferably in juice rather than heavy syrup
chopped walnuts or pecans
Blend together the pudding and cream. Add the pineapple chunks and blend a little more. Stir in the coconut and walnuts, and chill until set.
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