Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Red Crystal Ball. I didn't really intend for the crystal in the middle to be lavender: I was trying more for pink. But the result was pleasing, so I decided to save it.
What is one to do with a feline? Galahad- the big momma's boy of our pair- has lately been introducing himself to my lap whenever I'm studying, and at present is laying on a flyer I really ought to finish reading. It can become annoying, having to push him out of the way so I can finish my assignments or whatever. But he really is such a sweetie (most of the time!) that I can't stay mad at him. His sister would disagree on that point: He tends to play a little too rough with her. But even then, he behaves if I speak to him.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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