Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
And believe me, today's title is not gratuitous: We got frost this morning, though it was starting to melt off by the time I crawled out of my nice warm nest! So today I decided to warm things up with today's image, Red Crystal Ball.
My grades for this block of classes are still looking pretty good, although I'm still a bit goggle-eyed over the studying I had to do in Critical Thinking. Still, it could be better. I did receive a few surprises I would rather not have concerning some of the paper requirements which I probably ought to challenge. But it is partly my fault for not erring on the side of caution too. I'll have to keep that in mind for my next block of classes: I've been given to understand that a potential instructor for one of my future courses is a real monster. Hopefully I won't get assigned to that person.
Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!
Until we meet...
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