I suppose you are wondering about the collection of images today. Well, it is the day known as All Souls' Day, All Saints' Day, All Hallow's Eve, Samhain, or Halloween- depending on which tradition you follow. It is also my husband's birthday, which causes no end of amusement for us.
We do have candy to hand out to the neighborhood kids, but don't anticipate getting many trick-or-treaters: There have been a couple of years when we got none at all, and we've not bothered with getting a pumpkin to carve. Perhaps in a year or two when we are settled to our liking we can consider it again. In the meanwhile, I have seen some very realistic artificial pumpkins: Very different from the plainly artificial ones of some 20 years ago. It might be worth our while to get one after the holiday.
How many of you have special holiday traditions, not just for Halloween but for all holidays of the year?
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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