Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
You may remember I spoke of offering prints of my art for sale, such as the one to the left that I titled Rays. I'm going to try to go through with it, but my husband and I need a few supplies before we can really set up well: Photo paper and a printer that isn't an ink hog, for starters. So far, it's the most promising plan I've got.
I hope it takes off fast: My husband's employers have been showing a remarkable lack of common sense when it comes to building a business that will really prosper, and my husband himself is having a lot of stress-related health problems. I myself have delayed long enough in getting a project- any project- off the ground.
There is still so much I don't know. But there are times when- pardon the cliche, please- a leap of faith is absolutely essential.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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